About me

I'm Tina. I don't actually think I'm a princess in a girly kind of way. It was just something to say back to the ex-colleague (and I hasten to add friend) who used to call me Tina the Rat. I didn't like that so much. He also called me Tina the Slug. I actually didn't mind that one so much, but it didn't stick. So I'm a princess and that's what I called my blog, which was probably a better name than Tina the Slug anyway.

Anyway, I've been writing on here since September 2005. I started because I was moving from Northern Ireland to North Carolina and this was a convenient way for people to hear about what I was up to.

Since then I've moved back, moved to Asia, travelled around the world and come back home again.

Tina the Princess is the story of all that.
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