Sunday, April 20, 2008

Another Sunday afternoon

And I'm supposed to be working on stuff for this week. But of course that can't begin until I doss on tinternet first of all.

I just came across this:

A couple of weeks ago we were playing games in YF. We all had bits of paper (required for the game, can't remember what) as we were finished with them a subsidiary game evolved. Could you throw your scrunched up paper into the bin in the middle of the circle? All eyes were on you as you threw it and of course there was a big 'yeeeeooooo' if you missed.

When it got to my turn I waited until the attention had somewhat shifted off me and threw it....

...and it landed squarely in the bin!

I lost cool points though because I felt the need to point out to everyone that I got it in. 

I can't help but feel that if I had been anywhere near the videoing of that video it would all have been ruined...'wow you did it! You got it in!'

Be cool Tina, be cool!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's not big and it's not clever

During my latest doss on tinternet before marking can commence I came across this story.

It is a little bit funny. But what's funnier is his remorse. Someone (who went to the same school of scolding as my Grandpa) has had a word with him and made him see the error of his ways.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I can't be the only one

Anyone else get off on a Friday afternoon absolutely determined that they're going to get caught up on stuff over the weekend and not have a last minute rush on Sunday evening for the Monday that is coming all too quickly?

Why, oh why will I not learn that it never happens?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

We've come a long long way together

It's been a while since I was on here. But I have a job. A job that keeps me busy so I hope you can understand and find your dossing on tinternet elsewhere. But today I thought I'd make a special effort because it's been exactly ten years since the Good Friday Agreement was made. 

Ten years?! My goodness, doesn't time fly when you're...nevermind. I remember it. Kind of. It was the day after our school formal and I remember the news was on all day with live reports from outside Stormont and the like. I honestly don't think I really understood what it was all about, there were always talks, talks about talks and declarations around. But nothing ever seemed to actually happen.

Even a quick look in my politics file from school is revealing. We had to keep a Political Diary. It was brilliant way to doss around the first 10 minutes or so of the lesson as we discussed the news of the day. I remember coming back from Easter and everyone laughing because we were saying that 'nothing really happened'. All I've got written down in my Political Diary is 'Stormont Agreement is reached'. (Didn't even get the name right!)

Today, coincidentally, I was teaching the Good Friday Agreement. I handed out the very document they agreed on. The moment was not lost on me. 

Of course there has been a lot packed in to the ten years, and no one has forgotten yet that for the best part of them there was no Assembly. 

But you've got to say that it's a whole lot better than it was.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Nothing in the world

I'm excited because tomorrow I'm on a school field trip which means a later start in the morning and no lunch to have to make. The lie in is not really substantial but I may wear make up tomorrow just to celebrate. Make up in the morning is, quite frankly, more than I can handle. What am I saying? Talking in the morning is more than I can handle! Although I am positively Miss Sunshiny 2008 compared to Jud. Roll on CHW!

What else? Teaching is going well, although I missing the benefits of my classroom in Singapore. Somewhere to leave your coat for example. Not that I ever took a coat to school, or even had a coat in Singapore. The other big loss is data projector. I think these should be provided for every teacher as standard. Overheads are so last century. And mine is a crap overhead at that, all dingy around the sides. I'm also gutted that I can't use my cool new whiteboard pens on the Nineteenth Century blackboard I have.

Still, the one ray of sunshine is that my job doesn't require me to go anywhere near the West Link. Although I did have to go there yesterday.

Nice of them to tell us that delays were possible in 300 yards, 600 yards into the actual delays.

Oh, there is nothing like a moan.
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