Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Nothing in the world

I'm excited because tomorrow I'm on a school field trip which means a later start in the morning and no lunch to have to make. The lie in is not really substantial but I may wear make up tomorrow just to celebrate. Make up in the morning is, quite frankly, more than I can handle. What am I saying? Talking in the morning is more than I can handle! Although I am positively Miss Sunshiny 2008 compared to Jud. Roll on CHW!

What else? Teaching is going well, although I missing the benefits of my classroom in Singapore. Somewhere to leave your coat for example. Not that I ever took a coat to school, or even had a coat in Singapore. The other big loss is data projector. I think these should be provided for every teacher as standard. Overheads are so last century. And mine is a crap overhead at that, all dingy around the sides. I'm also gutted that I can't use my cool new whiteboard pens on the Nineteenth Century blackboard I have.

Still, the one ray of sunshine is that my job doesn't require me to go anywhere near the West Link. Although I did have to go there yesterday.

Nice of them to tell us that delays were possible in 300 yards, 600 yards into the actual delays.

Oh, there is nothing like a moan.

1 comment:

Brian Fisher said...

Tina did you really take this photograph yourself?

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