Thursday, September 23, 2010

Doctor, doctor

I went to the doctor's the other day. I know, normally a blog isn't the sort of place to share your doctors' visits, but this one was definitely blog worthy so why not.

Right, so you know about my sore knee when I cycle. Well last week I went swimming and it was sore after swimming. Even I know, with my lack of any medical qualifications whatsoever, that swimming is one of the 'best' sports to do when you're injured (gosh, I nearly sound like an athlete). So I made myself an appointment. Of course, being an 'on the day appointment' they can't tell you who it's with until you show up.

When I checked I forgot to ask who I was seeing, but as I know a few doctors that do locum work I thought I should embarrass myself and go back up and ask. You know, to be forewarned is to be forearmed and all that. When she told me the name I was glad it was not the same as the three doctors I had been thinking of.

"Wait, Dr. Jones*? Not Dr. Jimmy Jones* that helps with >insert certain Methodist event here< ?'" I thought to myself. I don't know him that well so he hadn't been on my radar of possible doctors.

I immediately discounted the thought.
"Nah, there has to be a million Dr. Joneses in NI", for he has quite a common name.

But as I sat on in the waiting room I thought to myself  "Oh well, at least if it was that Dr. Jones*, I was only going about my knee". There is an endless list of potentially embarrassing ailments I could be going about. I genuinely think if that had been the case I would have lied when I got in there and it was him. Isn't that awful?!

Anyway, you don't need to be a genius to know where this story is going. Yes, that's right, when I walked into the room who was staring back at me but Dr. Jimmy Jones*.

We had a good laugh about it and what not and I explained about my knee and what made it sore. He asked me some questions and then said he needed to see it. This should have been obvious to me and yet it was only as he said the words I remembered my grave error. In a bid to be quick in the shower I had forgone shaving my legs.

Oh. Die.

I like to think we got over that awkward hurdle without too much embarrassment. Well, I imagine he's seen worse and after a few squeezey and pressure tests (no really, I have no medical qualifications) he said I would have to go for an x-ray. As he filled out the form that I would need we continued to chat about that certain Methodist event and his upcoming holiday. But this is the best part. During this time he asked me no questions relating to the form. Nada. Zippo.

It was only when I got home I realised he ticked this box. Of his very own accord.

I'd like to state right here, right now that I am most definitely not pregnant. But that's not the point, I could have been.

So maybe he wasn't the only one embarrassed. Or maybe he made a judgement call based on the state of my legs.

Yeah, ok, fair enough. Probably that second one.

*His name has been changed. Doctor-patient confidentially goes both ways. I think.

1 comment:

Brian Fisher said...


People write LOL all the time for things, and over time it becomes devalued. It can be used for chuckling or even to indicate that something is amusing but didn't cause actual laughing.

In this particular case, I'll have to go with LSLIMHWPU (Laughed so loud I might have woken people up)

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