Friday, June 01, 2012

Tweets from celebrities

Let me first of all say: no I don't know if I'll ever blog about Tennessee and Colorado either. I really should get on it. Especially since Emma is now back. (Well she would be if her flights hadn't got delayed, rerouted and delayed some more. Reminded me somewhat of this experience of mine.)

Anyway, back to tonight. I try not to blog on Friday or Saturday nights, you know, because I have far more important things to be doing. Like watching The Voice. But tonight I got a tweet from a celebrity! And I was out so it's not like I stayed in on a Friday night so I could tweet celebrities.

I was out with Karen Photographer in town. Neither of us drove so as to open up the possibility of a cheeky glass of wine. In fact, it opened up the reality of a cheeky glass of Pimm's and wine.

Ninety-nine times out of a hundred I'll get the salmon when I'm out. Tonight was one of the ninety-nine.

On the train on the way home, once Karen got off I listened to a podcast (a Five Live one if you must know) on my phone. I just caught one station announcement and it hit me who it was: the PR4L! If you listen to Radio 1 you'll probably be familiar with her work. If not she's the Posh Radio 4 Lady and reads Dear Scott. In her actual job she reads the news on the Today programme. Hence, the Posh Radio 4 Lady!

I wasn't sure but I knew I'd seen her on Twitter, so I wrote a tweet and mentioned her:

Am I wrong or is the automatic station announcer on Translink trains the PR4L? @Kathyclugston

But it's Friday night and she's the PR4L and has much better things to be doing than looking at her tweets, let alone replying. But she did! In a matter of minutes. She said, and I quote:

@tinaarena22 you are RIGHT!

So I did what anyone would do in that situation. I retweeted it. Well, I looked on it like a public service announcement for my followers who might have wondered the same thing on a Translink train. 

It's moments like this that make me love Twitter! And the PR4L! RT @kathyclugston: @tinaarena22 you are RIGHT!

But then I had a moment of mind panic; I had mentioned her but not actually thanked her for replying or said anything directly back to her. What's the Twitter etiquette about that, the twetiqutte if you will? So I wrote back to her:

@kathyclugston Thank you! I don't often get the train but tonight it just hit me that it was you so had to check! Have a nice weekend!

I thought that was nice, polite end befitting an encounter with the PR4L. But this is the PR4L we're talking about; of course she wrote back.

@tinaarena22 you too!

Being so encouraged by the PR4L I will now do my very best to have a nice weekend. 

I will draw the line at tweeting her about it come Sunday (or Tuesday). You know, in case she thinks I'm weird or something.

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