Saturday, September 20, 2008

Someone once said I reminded them of Tina Fey...I think it was the name and the fact I wear glasses

So Tony Blair was on 'The Daily Show' last night, well Thursday night in the US. There's another example for politicians who go on that show, never try to be funnier than Jon Stewart because you won't be and then you'll look stupid. But it was an interesting interview and once Tony got passed trying to be funny then he answered things quite well, and Jon Stewart actually seemed to admire the fact he was prepared to go on the show.

In other US political news, I watched the programme earlier this week about how the US election is like the last series of 'The West Wing', a Democratic canditate from a minority group versus a Republican candidate who is fairly moderate. If you didn't see it you can read it about it here. It went on the show how Hollywood portrays US politics and Presidents. All very interesting, for a person like me anyway. In case you're interested they said it usually comes down to either the idealistic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington type who's going to shake up Washington, or the all-American action hero type a la 'Air Force One'/'Independence Day'. Again they compared that to this election, Obama the idealist v. McCain the hero.

But my favourite TV political news was that Tina Fey was back on Saturday Night Live. Watch her impression of Sarah Palin. I have loved the comedy genius that is Tina Fey for a while now, but I think it just reached new heights.

How good is that weird Alaskan accent?!

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