This year, as I told you before, I did overtime. It was way stressful in the beginning as you might have seen if you're friends with me on Facebook. I had reached my breaking point when I wrote 'At the risk of sounding all Steven Redgrave on yo' ass, I ever do exam marking again you have my permission to shoot me' as my status.
But like most trials, the worst passed and the second part was much easier. I even had days off, which was definitely not the case last year.
All that moaning and you can now finally get your reward - exam answers that didn't quite hit the mark. Or indeed, get the marks.
Sadly there was no one quote I could lift from the 4 page essay one student wrote, but I will tell you that it included the phrase 'some critics argue' 23 times. I know because I counted. Sure, you might think that's a bit rare of me. But really think about it. That's nearly 8 times a page, which is once every 3 lines of thereabouts. You'd count too if it was that often.
Anyway, here is a short selection of the best.
Getting the name wrong
These make my day when they come up.
You know, famous TV cook Niegalla Luson's dad.
Hazel Miers
Like some sort of love child of Hazel Blears and Harriet Miers. Oh I feel sick.
The President Bakarc Obam.
Really? How can you not get his name right by now?
and my favourite
Barack O'Bama
Yes, there is no one as Irish.
GW Bush
A great essay topic.
Bush's domestic policies were extremely unpopular with the American public and as Head of State he was continually ridiculed. However as foreign leader he commanded respect.
Where? I'd like to know, so I can avoid it.
Bush found this the hard way as every veto he used during his presidency was overturned.
If only writing it made it so.
George W. Bush was perceived as a stupid man who lacked any compassion for those in the outside world.
Really? Perceived?
Just plain wrong
Like Wrongy McWrongerson.
Cabinet members should have equal say in running government, known as par fait parles meaning first among equals.
Was that lesson dictated then?
Reagan used a veto to stop the budget legislation for the 1960s - 70s era.
As yes, back when he was a Governor.
Chairmen are powerful however, the success of a bill does not simply rest on only their soldiers.
You've got to think there a limit to how far a person can go not knowing the difference between shoulders and soldiers. A Level Politics it seems.
LBJ pardoned Nixon after Watergate.
Not being President and all, I can only imagine it was for burping at the table.
You have the right to plead the 7th amendment.
I plead for a right to a trial by jury? Ironically, that is kind of incriminating.
America is large expanding country with 51 states in it.
It's expanded since I last looked.
However the possibility remains that the result could be altered in the future by a rouge elector.
I really don't see what blusher has to do with this.
Large federal beaucracy
Does that mean it's nice and pretty?
The President is seen as Chief in Command.
Like Roy would say, it's good but it's not right.
The Constitution aimed to protect the citizens' liberty, freedom and the ability to pursue happyness.
I blame Will Smith.
Understatements, overstatements
Wombling free
Clare Short was very critical of the way in which Blair conducted much of his business.
'Business'? You might like illegal wars and the like?
The American people need a Constitution to stop dictators in other countries.
Nah, I think we're good.
This type of federalism [co-operative federalism] enhances the proposition that politicians had more power than sense.
Let me tell you, it's not just co-operative federalism which will show that.
There have been no tyrannical leaders of the USA unless you regard Nixon as one, or Reagan.
No, actually, I don't think anyone does.
Dear Examiner
There was a dramatic reduction in personal notes to the examiner. Last year there were loads. Like the person who wrote their train of thought and the other person who counted tables and chairs. Ah fond memories.
The US Constitution is written down in one place (there definitely is a word for that but I really cannot remember it at this present moment in time).
You know, if you hadn't said I might not have realised.
As you can see from my somewhat muddled conclusion...
Nope, not really.
And finally
A picture

Got to love someone who just keeps trying.
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