Sunday, August 21, 2011

Old glasses parade

"Oh you know Tina...tall with glasses".

I know this is probably how people describe me. And why not? Both those things are true, afterall.

I've worn glasses since I was in about P4 or 5. I remember coming downstairs from reading and telling my mum my eyes were stingy. Ever the good parent she took me to the optician and I got my first pair of glasses. A nice blue plastic pair.

In the early years I didn't wear my glasses all the time, just for 'reading, the blackboard and television' so there are hardly any photos of me with those early glasses on. Once I reached secondary school, I started to wear them all the time. I can't remember if I was told to or I couldn't be bothered with the on-off routine anymore.

This week I've come across quite a few old pairs and I knew I would have to put them on here. But there's a danger in doing that. So I put them in a movie to limit that. I'm all for laughing at my old glasses, but let's laugh together folks!

I've also come up with a few terms and conditions of watching the movie. 

By watching this video you promise that:
1. You will not take any images from this movie
2. You will not use this movie or any images contained within it to embarrass me.
3. You will not print any images used in the movie for any purpose.

Don't think I won't hunt you down if you break these rules!

That said, if you can agree to these three points, by all means click play. Enjoy!

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