Monday, April 30, 2007

I broke my ass

and my scaphoid bone.

Long story cut short because typing with one hand is a pain. I was on my way to church, slipped on wet steps. The pain in my hand was awful and I could hardly move my thumb, so I went to get it x-rayed. Turns out I broke a tiny bone in my hand.

Now my hand is in a cast. And I am left trying to wash my hair, do dishes and just generally live with one hand. Super.


Kari said...

OH MY WORD!!!! Poor Tina!! Seriously, church should have a health warning on it! Aw man, sending you lots of comfort and hugs!! K xo

Kaz said...

Ahh I read here how it happened, sorry chick, i'm sure it's pain in the ass..or should I say hand har har..
Take care chick.. c ya in June..

jools said...


sorry to hear about your ass.

oh, and your hand as well.

MinisterMoo said...

Poor Tina! I hope it fixes quickly.

Tina said...

Thanks everyone!

the ass reference was just for you jools!

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