Sunday, November 11, 2007

One and I'm not impressed, two and I'm annoyed

But twenty five is just taking the piss, quite frankly.

I know, it's not nice to see (even without the bites) but you had to see them to believe them.

This is why I go on about mosquito bites. But I don't think I've had as many as this since summer camp in 2001. Today I went to the pool (to reenact the soothing waters of the lake at camp) and two girls stared at me like a was a leper. I don't blame them. They are hideous.

I've got my responses down pat now 'They are all individual bites'...'Yeah, mosquito bites'...'No, I promise I didn't scratch them'...'Yes, maybe I do have some sort of allergic reaction...'No Tiger Balm doesn't help mine.'

Annoyingly it gives a whole set of new people to use the line 'sweet Irish blood'. So help me, I nearly went for them.

So yes, this weekend we were in Malaysia on a staff conference. I enjoyed all of it, except the mosquito bites. We were right on the coast of the South China Sea which was beautiful.

Our hotel was right on the beach.

Sadly though, what I am going to remember most is being driven to distraction by the little beasts.

1 comment:

Kaz said...

Oh dear lord, the wee sh*ts!!
That sucks chick, I never seem to get bitten by those things, my blood aint so sweet...
Haven't contacted u in a while, hope all is going well :)
Not be that long 'til you're home oooOOOoooh

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