Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Burj City Hospital

I know some people who don't get on that well with their parents. My parents make me laugh.

We were sitting together in the living room the other day and when I brought up about the Dubai tower, you know the one that's now the world's tallest building, Burj Khalifa.

Me: I can't believe they built something that big. How huge does it look?!
Mum: Yeah, I would hate to go into it. I get scared enough when I'm in the City Hospital.

Bizarrely they left the City Hospital off this handy guide of the world's tallest buildings. Apparently they though 76m wasn't that huge.

Yeah. It's not really the same, is it?

Once I'd stopped laughing, my mum was able to explain that she is worried about how they evacuate so many invalided people from all the floors if there was some kind of emergency in the hospital.

But that got totally lost.

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