Wednesday, June 01, 2011


I don't really consider myself a lucky person. Other people might disagree; mostly because I've been known to have a bit of luck in obtaining tickets for things. Take for example my 2nd row centre court tickets for the Men's semis at Wimbledon last year. Or how I managed to get Take That tickets for later this month. Actually I got three sets of Take That tickets, so I can maybe see their point.

But it was with nervous anticipation I checked (and kept checking) my bank account yesterday, the final day for money to be taken out of your account for the Olympics. Eventually a phonecall to the bank confirmed the reason for my reduced credit limit was indeed for 2012 tickets!

Lucky? I'm not so sure. I wasn't the best at Maths, but the only thing that I can see that adds up to that amount is...wait for it...Handball.

Are. You. Fricking. Kidding. Me? Handball?

Aside from a two second 'Zambia won the gold medal' highlight, I have never seen handball in my life. I don't know the rules. I don't know what a good score is. I don't know how long a game (or match? See I don't even know the terms!) lasts. But because of a last minute whim on my ticket application by throwing in a just-for-a-laugh sport that's what I'm going to see at the Olympics!

To say it's my Olympic dreams coming true is an understatement.

Is it possible to teach yourself handball via YouTube?

Still, it's not all bad news. Mum has an amount taken which opens up a couple of possibilities. So with that and my lucky handball tickets (ahem), at least we're getting to go to something. Plus there's always the second round and resale options, although it looks like everyone got so little no one will be selling anything on.

So with muted enthusiasm I say:

2, 4, 6, 8, what do we appreciate?
Using our hands!

Ok, my cheers will need some work.

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