The Rehearsal Dinner
I really enjoyed this, we had so much fun! There was just one speech at the dinner and Luis, Jose's brother made a short toast at the wedding reception. Now, I like a good speech at a wedding but this made me appreciate the value of not talking for talking's sake.

The Wedding Ceremony
Another difference is that it comes much later in the day, this one was at 5.00pm, but later is also common. This made for a nice short day, well if you were a guest I suppose. The service itself was pretty average I thought, about 40 minutes. But there was no singing from the congregation. Everyone else thought it was way long, normally weddings are like twenty minutes or less. But I suppose that makes sense because everything was translated into spanish.

This is a ritual similar to throwing the bouquet (which by the way, I totally could have got if I have made an effort but I'm too polite!). The groom takes of the bride's garter and then throws it to the menfolk. It's not as inappropriate as it sounds.
I really enjoyed this, we had so much fun! There was just one speech at the dinner and Luis, Jose's brother made a short toast at the wedding reception. Now, I like a good speech at a wedding but this made me appreciate the value of not talking for talking's sake.
The bride and groom at the rehearsal. I think it's true to say that Lindy has actually injured people with her piercing blue blue eyes.
The rehearsal dinner was Costa Rican fare of pinto (that's rice and beans to you and me), pork and some sort of banana like thing. Jose's parents made it the day of the dinner, you know, because your son getting married is when you have time to do all this extra stuff!
The Wedding Ceremony
Another difference is that it comes much later in the day, this one was at 5.00pm, but later is also common. This made for a nice short day, well if you were a guest I suppose. The service itself was pretty average I thought, about 40 minutes. But there was no singing from the congregation. Everyone else thought it was way long, normally weddings are like twenty minutes or less. But I suppose that makes sense because everything was translated into spanish.
This is the amphitheater where the ceremony took place. It had been raining that morning but thankfully it turned out to be a beautiful. It's at Jose's uber church and he pointed it out to me the first time I was there. Ah, little did we know he'd be marrying Lindy there three years later (although I'm sure he wished for it!)
Ah, true love's kiss. Only afterwards in the photo review Mellissa and I had did we notice the Ring Bearer (there's another difference - ring bearer not page boy. It seems a little contradictory though because Luis had the rings so on top of Best Man and translator he was the actual ring bearer) and his obvious need to pee. That could spoil the photo. Mellissa and I think that it makes for a much more interesting wedding kiss photo though.
The congregation had communion along with Jose and Lindy which was nice. But it was communion to go in little individual plastic cups with the cracker on top.
I had the important job of being the guest book attendant at the reception. I know! It's an important job, you might even go as far as to say the whole wedding hinges on it. In the programme (not Order of Service) it gave a little description of who everyone was. This is where I was reminded of the fact I was first to know they were going out. I had totally erased that from my memory, if I ever knew it to begin with.
The wedding party are introduced to everyone as they enter. But the DJ doing the announcing got things slightly wrong and we think this photo is where the wheels fell off. The DJ is trying to go through things with Jose before the arrival of the wedding party. Look at Jose, he is not one bit interested in what he's saying. So we all had a chuckle when one of the groomsmen was given the surname Magenta. Pink is so not his colour! But worst of all he announced 'please welcome for the first time Jose and Linda...'! Oh dear.
The reception was in a downtown restaurant which brands itself on 'New South Cuisine' and I really can't think of a wedding I've been to that had better food. It was amazing, there was shrimp, beef, turkey, all kinds of vegetables, cheese and fruit. But it being a southern wedding there was grits and no potatoes. I don't know how I made it through a meal like that without them.
This is the first dance. They've got quite the hips. I'd love to tell you what Mellissa said as they were dancing but this is a family blog. Maybe if you see me you can ask.
This is a ritual similar to throwing the bouquet (which by the way, I totally could have got if I have made an effort but I'm too polite!). The groom takes of the bride's garter and then throws it to the menfolk. It's not as inappropriate as it sounds.
The end of the night and we had to soak our feet.