Monday, December 15, 2008

Good service

I really hate bad service in shops and restaurants. I think it's incredibly rude and unhelpful. Just because I'm having a bad day doesn't mean I take it out on my students. I'll often vote with my feet and never go back. A case in point, Frasers (or is a Z? See, I never go. It is dead to me. I am as stubborn as my grandfather sometimes.) in Belfast. I haven't darkened the door of that shop since the mid-late 90s after bad service. Obviously this ploy hasn't worked so well as it's still standing. But not because of my money. Ha.

Anyway, as the Christmas shopping season has hit, I, like many people, buy things online. Well this one idea (let's just say it was a 'keyring', they read this) I had for my nearest and dearest really required a conversation with someone. I called one company and the girl couldn't tell me the answers to my questions, and even though it was 4.15pm she said she couldn't let me know until tomorrow, therefore potentially missing the Christmas deadline delivery. It was so much that as her unhelpful nature when she spoke which was annoying.

I called another company and it couldn't have been more different. She knew the answers to most of my questions and promised to find out the ones she didn't know in five minutes. When she called me back they weren't quite as I hoped, I still felt a certain sense of comfort in ordering said 'keyring' with her. Ten minutes later she called me back to say that she'd messed up and delivery would be slightly more I didn't mind because she was so apologetic and polite about it.

When Christmas is all over with and the 'keyring' goes down a storm I'll maybe put a link on then incase you want to order a 'keyring'. Good people like this deserve to have their name known.

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