Thursday, June 09, 2011

Alternative acknowledgements

This week I found I passed my dissertation! Hurrah and huzzah for me! I have some stuff for on here relating to it and now that I know it's in the bag and because this weekend is Methodist Conference it seems like a good time to refer to it. 

So to kick off with I'd like to offer my alternative acknowledgements to those that helped me but didn't get a mention in the formal acknowledgements at the start of my dissertation. So...

Thanks to my supervisor from constantly telling me to 'bring the argument forward'. I found that really helpful and directive. Also for teaching me the meaning of the word 'infelicities' by picking out examples from my drafts. Every day really was a school day with you!

To the wee small hours of 12.00am to 4.00am. Quite simply, if you did not exist this dissertation would not exist.

Equally to Cadbury's Creme Eggs and Coca-Cola. You sponsored this work. If only you had paid for my tuition as well.

And finally, to ________________ at ___________________.  Thanks for lying to my face and indirectly prompting me to do this course. I think you're a bozo.

This is dedicated to all the people who told me they 'couldn't go back to university again'. You only think you can't.

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