Monday, October 31, 2011

The goose is getting fat

I don't know why Hallowe'en is as big as it is really. It must be the dressing up. It kind of annoys me. Like today on This Morning there were witches (I'm not actually sure if they were witches or 'witches', I didn't watch long enough to find out). Do they ever have Christians on when it's Christmas or Easter? I've never seen that happen.

Anyway, that said, last week on our YF weekend we had pumpkins to carve.

My group did the Christian thing to do crosses on it.

I've never carved a pumpkin before so it was quite cool. Back when we younger you didn't ever see a pumpkin in the supermarket, no way. But now they're all over the place. So along with the younger generation thinking ours is weird because we didn't have mobile phones or the internet, they're also going to think it's hilarious that we didn't have pumpkins, like we were living through the War when they didn't have bananas.

We used to carve turnips. In fact truth be told, I used to think that American turnips were really orange in colour. Yeah, I know. Shut up.

You don't often see a pumpkin head with a moustache. That's Hallowe'en's fault for being before Movember.

Reminiscing about carving turnips turned into a funny Yorkshiremen-esque bit between me and a co-leader:

Pumpkins! Luxury! We never had pumpkins.
No, never.
Turnips. We carved turnips.
Turnips? Luxury! We used potatoes. And then we had to eat them.
Eat potatoes?! We used to dream of eating potatoes...

It really helps if you read it with a Yorkshire accent in mind. Not that I can do one, you understand.


And just while I'm on this little Hallowe'en rant, what's the deal with trick or treating? Give me a bit of hallowe'en rhyming. Youth clubs around NI could probably get European funding to protect that part of NI culture.

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