Monday, February 06, 2012

How I scored a bajillion cool aunt points

There are many, many reasons why I'm a super cool aunt but today I present you with just four.

1. Today is my nephew's third birthday! I had a great present for Johnny: a Buzz Lightyear costume. He likes to pretend he's Buzz Lightyear using the Mr. Potatohead Buzz Lightyear wings he has. They're about 10cm wide and he holds them on his back but that doesn't stop him. So I knew I was on a winner with an actual Buzz Lightyear costume for him.

I can't claim any points for the aid to flying, we shared this arm breaking work around.

Average aunts would stop there. Cool aunts aren't done with just buying presents, oh no.

2. I gave him a laser for his costume. Not a real one you understand, that's dangerous and costs you cool aunt points. It was one of those keyring things that help you find your car's keyhole. 

I Buzzed it up with a Star Command logo. Above average aunts would give just the keyring.

3. I made him a spaceship! Oh yes I did! I realised with his wings on he might not fit into his current rocket (a playtent tube thing, I don't know the correct term, I'm not a parent!) So I went to Play Resource, got lots of big cardboard and bits and bobs. (If this wasn't a post about my nephew I might have written 'free crap' there...) I took into consideration my brother and sister-in-law's feelings on the growing expanse of toys in their living room and made it collapsible; visitation rights are important to cool aunts.

No honestly, I've never worked for Nasa.
It's fine, it has wings here, see.
The interior (do you have spaceship 'interiors'?) You can see the moveable control panel with buttons, and the light panel, along with many space and Buzz pictures.
4. And finally, I made him a personalised card. I know what you're thinking, 'no big deal Tina, you make cards all the time for people'. (Please note: If I didn't it was because I probably ran out of time and not because I don't like you. You got a card didn't you? Then what are you complaining about?!)

But this card turned out to be the pièce de résistance of the whole thing. He opened it first and was immediately spellbound by it. Why? I'll show you why.

It's Johnny and his good friend Buzz hanging out in space, that's why!

The card brought about some of the cutest sentences I've heard. Every once in a while he'd go back to the card and tell us something about it -  "Buzz is looking after me", "I am 'appy with Buzz" or "Look at my 'appy face.

Honestly, it's hard getting all these cool aunt points. Your heart can actually melt.

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