Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lift music

I was back at the doctors' this week. I haven't been at the doctors' for actual years, like before I went to NC. But then with my knee and womanflu I've been three times in the last month. Good old NHS eh?!

I noticed the last time I was there they like to play orchestral arrangements of movie songs. When I was there about my knee they played 'Eye of the Tiger'. It's hard when that song is playing not to feel fine, especially when you are there about your sore knee.

This week, I went to the doctors' with my dad (who made me sick). Not because I am a child, but because it's a bally nightmare getting through on the phone so when I did, I asked for two appointments, one for me, one for him, so then she gave us them ten minutes apart.

This week's songs were another fine selection. We had:

(I encourage you to play them and imagine the scene in the surgery waiting room!)

I so wanted someone to do commando rolls as their name got called. Maybe they did and I just didn't notice because they were so stealth like?

Always a classic. I would have run out (in slow motion) had I been called during this song. It wasn't to be though.

This was a good choice. Except for the dark part in the middle when I can only assume the Death Star is attacking. That's not appropriate for a surgery.

Uplifting and inspiring.

But the best one, which my dad got to walk out to, was this one.

I swear, even though he was dying inside, he held his head higher and walked taller because of this tune.

1 comment:

duke said...

So I played all the youtube clips at the same time (it sounded incredible by the way), and I'm thinking if they played all the orchestral pieces at the same time at the doctors that might just cure everyone

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