Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I’ve never liked the name Gordon

As I type Tony is in with HRH resigning his position as President Prime Minister. Ten years with Tony. I was busying learning my French Oral when he started. Time flies, eh Tony?

I don’t know what you think of him, but I think overall he’s probably left the country in a better state than he got it in. I mean, sure, there is Iraq…tuition fees…cash for honours… but then again, London has the Olympics, Fantastic Mr. Fox is safe to kill all the chickens he likes and nobody makes a speech after a national event/emergency like Blair can.

There was a boy in my class in Primary School called Gordon. I never really liked him (although I’m sure he’s grown into a charming young man), nor the name so to think that our new Prime Minister is called Gordon makes me wince a little bit. Well that and I don’t do well with change. [Incidentally, Gordon had a brother called Kevin. What was their mother thinking?!]

I’m watching all this on the magic that is Sky News, with helicopters over Whitehall and Buckingham Palace. It’s no BBC but it’ll do.

So even though I don’t like your name, good luck Gordon. Handle us with care.


Kaz said...

gordon and kevin mcclean haha..but don't ya just love gordon the gopher?

Tina said...

Now they'll know I was talking about them!! No, it was other Gordon and Kevin brothers, Gordon and Kevin...O'Cain.

Gordon the Gopher was good, Phil's finest moment some would say. And then there was Edd the Duck!


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