Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Severe, intense, relentless...all good words

I know, just when you think I'm back blogging regularly I stop again. But I have been working. All. The. Time. Some time back I thought it would be a good idea to do some external exam marking. Ha. Good one Tina.

It's quite fancy, all the papers have been scanned in and are online. Now, I can doss on tinternet with the best of them, but reading something that matters, that's different. I have a set of deadlines which are keeping me on my toes but with some concerted effort they have been met. That was until yesterday.

Yesterday was a 'long' essay day. Progress is slow on those days. I reach lunchtime contemplating my wisdom in signing up for said marking. By the time dinner comes around I am genuinely questioning whether I should sign my life over to some sort of legal representative as I clearly I should not be making decisions for myself. By suppertime only the fact that my brain is beginning to ooze out of my ear stops me becoming danger to myself.

By 5.30pm yesterday I had only marked 22 essays. But that was ok I told myself, the afternoon is not my most productive times, (much like when studying for exams funnily enough) I still had the evening.

That was until the super people at BT got involved and tinternet died. [Isn't funny how when you forgot your mobile or you don't have internet you feel like your right hand has been cut off?]

Two hours I spent on the phone with them. Two hours! They failed to understand that despite all the lights being on the router there was something wrong with their side of things. They also failed to realise that it was nothing to do with any settings on my computer because it affected all our computers which are all on different operating systems and different browsers. At one point she had me so far into the settings of the computer with no clear purpose I thought she was going to suggest that I poke my fingers into the DVD drive to see if that made any difference.

As time went on it emerged that other people in the 'head were having similar problems. (I resisted calling them back with a big 'sooooo yooooooo!') Eventually this morning someone at BT (with a bit of sense) agreed that there was a problem. But worse, that it had been 'escalating' from about Sunday, and that he didn't know when it would be fixed.

It was clear that sitting here and waiting for a BT engineer wasn't going to do me or my deadline any good.

But with so many losers in the situation, there had to be winners! Step up Nicky and Heidi! They got the pleasure of my presence in their home all day while I caught up and tried to make the deadline. You'll note the careful use of 'presence'. I only really came out of the room for meals and bathroom breaks. But the deadline was met and our tinternet is up and running again.

Fingers crossed it stays that way, tomorrow is long essay day again. Oh die.

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