Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bored of being sick

I know, so rarely it is I come on here and have a moan but this has to be said. I am fed up of being sick. Seriously, if the Olympics weren't on I'd wonder what I'd do all day. 

All this Olympic watching has led me to wonder the quadrennial question of 'if I were to go to the Olympics what would I do?' Obviously skill is not a factor, but I think something like archery would be good. Mostly because it'd be over dead quick and no major heart rate achieved. 

Today, as mum and I watched the canoe slalom I realised that if there was to be one Olympic sport I'd be totally rubbish at it would be that. Some of the others, if I were magically transported to Beijing and told to have a go, I think I could. I mean, sure I'd be well last in all of them but the canoe slalom, that just looks like something I'd be crap at. Water in your eyes, fear of capsizing and gates to negotiate would just make it hateful.

That was all until the weightlifting came on. That's what I'd be crappest at. 

For. Sure.


duke said...

I thought it had been decided rowing was your missed opportunity!!

Tina said...

Hello Chris!! No, you have put me off! It was all in the look you gave me! Ha ha!

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