Friday, May 01, 2009

I usually want to buy JML products

I've been quietly reading Stuff Christians Like for a while now. Still love it. And this week it made me laugh a lot. Twice.

The first one was this post about 'good cop, bad cop youth leaders'. There's a helpful little questionnaire to see which you are and it's funny to me because it perfectly reflects (in a comedic way, so maybe like those fun fair mirrors) much of what I see and do on a Sunday night. You can draw your own conclusions there.

The second was this video which friends of his made. It is hilarious. Everything - the voiceover...the overacting...the clumsiness of the machine is spot on for an infomercial. I laughed at the Spectrum ZX start up noises and the dot matrix printer sound. Retro.

There was one more bit that got me. Stick right to the end you'll understand why.

Yup, where you can get it from.

1 comment:

Brian Fisher said...

You have to laugh at the memory verses being printed off during the service. Very discreet!

In an unrelated matter I have just noticed that discrete (individually separate and individual) and discreet (careful not to attract attention or give offence) are spelled differently! I think I have known how to spell both for a long time, just never thought about it.

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