Sunday, May 10, 2009

I've blogged from all over the world, but never here

I'm in the garden!! So sunny it is, the parents and I enjoyed our second barbeque and have stayed outside to enjoy the sunshine. We just had a game of compare baby John pictures with baby David pictures. It's a game I think I'll have to play with you sometime, it's fun!

But in the meantime here are some barbeque photos.

The first barbeque

This is the barbeque. Isn't it a wonder? It's got a side burner and a side table. Ooh. In the background you'll also see the mighty decking, the fruits of last summer's labour.

Well there was only three of us so there was no need to fill it. But you are right, those are Jamie's Cracking Burgers on board. So good.

The first burger of many this summer one hopes.

Today's barbeque (I know, two in one week!)

Dad likes to dress for barbeques.

I, however, chose not to wear my cocktail dress.

We went one stage further today and even had dessert on the barbeque. And as I think only 3 readers will be familar with the Camp Kinawind favourite that is Orange Cupcakes I will describe the process with photographs.

Firstly shell out your orange. I recommend a tea spoon.

Fill the orange shell with cake mix, but only about half full. You can add in chocolate chips for extra yumminess. Then wrap it in tin foil. If there are a lot of you, you should each shape it in a different way so you know whose is whose.

After about 15 minutes or so it's ready! It's like an orangey cake. Tasty.

Right time to go, I have some important sitting to do.

1 comment:

Brian Fisher said...

I am sooo trying that at the next BBQ opportunity!

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