Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No, let me be clear

I am probably much like you - I follow Stephen Fry on Twitter. Over the last number of months I've appreciated his witty insights. But then yesterday I saw this and it made me go off him somewhat.

I do think it matters. I do think people go off politicians because of this. Yes, people should care more about the big issues, but when it's my tax pounds they're fiddling then I have a problem with it. In most cases, everyone else who fiddles expenses does it to a company which loses out on profits. It's not still not right, but it's not me they're stealing from so I care a bit less.

I mean, really? Someone claiming the second home allowance in Southampton when their main home is in Luton and they work in London? Claiming for dog food? Are you joking me, how do you need that for your job as an MP? And then there's claiming for horse manure and just plain taking the piss.

If I hear one more time from a MP trying to save face that they were only acting within the rules and that it's a 'rotten system' (I'm looking at you Shaun Woodward) then they may be responsible for paying for my TV when I smash the old one to smithereens listening to them.

I found this list on the BBC and it renewed my faith somewhat in politicians. Ann Widdecombe has a point. First time I've probably said that.

Now, can we all agree that what they've claimed for is now owned by the state, set up some sort of halls of residence for them all, and then let's move on.

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