Friday, July 21, 2006

Not sure that was what Garth meant

3.15am and I'm working on seminar reminder lists to avoid 2000 people at Registration asking us what they signed up for.

Pressed play on my iPod to get a random song up.

'Ain't Going Down Til the Sun Comes Up' by Mr. Brookes himself. Brilliant.

I've had ten hours sleep total over three nights and wonder how I manage even to stand during the day. Which reminds me, because I'm on my feet all day long, standing running (think Mrs. Weir ex-BHSers) I have swollen ankles.

Today will definitely be two birthday records:
-Earliest wake up (bus leaves at 7.00am, who's idea was the conference start time?!)
-Worst appearence ever (shadows under eyes so bad they look like black eyes, bad hair, lack of shower, skin dull, no make-up. I have no time to do anything about my appearance mostly due to my two for two record of sleeping in the two mornings of the conference.)

I nearly don't even want reminded it is my birthday. Can I postpone it til further notice?


MinisterMoo said...

Young lady - Happy Birthday! I couldn't believe it had come round already, surely it couldn't be a year since this? >>>

Hope the day after will be a bit better (seeing as you're starting it now)

Kaz said...

happy bday tina yeoooooooooo 26!

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