My mum got me the card on the left and baked me the buns to match the card. Winner! You'll notice she even matched up the Jelly Tots! I know, attention to detail!
We went to see The Sound of Music on my birthday night! It was fantastic! Brilliant songs and sets and costumes! I loved it!! Although, being the theatre critic I am, thought Summer Strallen was a bit giggley and, well, just not Maria enough. Liesl was v. good though.
Just before it started this guy came up to a man sitting behind me and said 'Sorry, I don't want to embarrass you but...'. I got quite excited as I thought I was about to witness a 'scene' unfolding with mixed up seats or something. I love scenes! Well, ones that don't involve me. But no, it was better than that! Kind of.
'...could you sign this for me? Thanks, Legend!'
There was a real live celeb behind us!! I whispered to my dad and he turned round, reasonably discreetly I might add, and got all excited. He took the programme off my knee and then asked him to sign ours too.
I then snuck a look but he didn't look instantly recognisable to me, but thought he might be a cricketer. Once we got the programme back, it emerged that my dad did not actually know who it was either, but thought he looked like a cricketer too apparently. Looking at the signature was no help in helping us decide who it was, as he has grown up, joined up writing. Even when we got it home and got my mum on the case (she could analyse handwriting for the FBI) she could work it out. And Google and Wikipedia searches for cricketers was fruitless. But perhaps you'll know who it is. The top bit says 'Good Luck', we were able to read that much.

I want to hold on to the belief that someone famous, indeed legendary, autographed our programme rather than asking just a commoner to deface it.
The Queen was in. You'd think my dad would have combed his hair. Maybe that's why we weren't invited in.
Statue poses! This is me and Eros at Picadilly. Oh and yes, I did feel like a muppet doing this. Especially because Father couldn't work my camera and I had to do it three times before he actually took the picture. I have no shame.
So the fourth London trip in a month. But this was the best one. Why? Easy, we got there on the Sleeper.
If you have never had the joy of a Sleeper, you really should. You go to bed in one city and wake up in another! We used to get them back in the days before EasyJet and Ryanair so they hold a certain nostalgia for me. I love them! My dad laughs because when I was little, I called them 'sleeping trains'. Bless. He calls them that now, I think in homage to me (as opposed to mocking me, it's what I prefer to believe at least).
This is what you get for your money. A little room with bunk beds. Look how cozy they are! Then add in the train motion and noise to rock you off to sleep. On the way down I got the top bunk! And I was oh-so elegant climbing up!

Hot chocolate* comes in a pot on the sleeper train! Now, that's quality. (*not included in the standard fare. Just ask your father nicely and remind him that it's your birthday.)
Return journey we swapped!
In other news it looks like my camera has decided to give up. This is more than slightly annoying because I'm going away tomorrow for Castlewellan. Which reminds me, I have a ironing pile the size of the Taj Mahal which I was supposed to do tonight. Oops.