Sunday, December 20, 2009
Where's Tina?!

Monday, November 30, 2009
Go on, one last post in November
See, isn't it nice?
So that's it, December tomorrow. Bring. It. On.
Monday, November 16, 2009
If I were the daughter of the Director General
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I'm very proud
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Our tomorrow
No. 1 Canadian General Hospital
Dear Mrs. Atkinson,
Your husband Rflm. J. Atkinson, was admitted into my ward on the 4th suffering with gas shell poisoning. As this gas effects his eyes I am writing for him. He says he hopes you are all well, and for you not to be too anxious about him. He hopes to be able to write in a few days himself.
Yours sincerely,
E. B. Burpee N.S.
Despite this brave face, thing were clearly not good. On the other side of the letter the nurse wrote this extra note:
I am sorry to have to add this note. I read the front page of this letter to my patient but he does not know that we consider him “seriously ill”. The poisoning has affected his lungs and throat and the medical officers are most anxious about.
I hope to write better news within a day or two.
E. B. Burpee
Just a day later she wrote again. Things were bad.
No. 1 Canadian General Hospital
Dear Mrs. Atkinson:-
We are very anxious about your husband’s condition. He is not too well, as when I last wrote to you. He has developed and very purulent form of pneumonia and his throat condition is not improving. We are giving him our best care, have moved him into a room by himself, where he can get more fresh air, than in the ward.
If you have received permission to visit him from the War Office I would advise you to come immediately. He is really dangerously ill and the next few days are going to be a great test to his strength.
Hoping I may have better news to write tomorrow. This gas poisoning is terrible.
With much sympathy to you during these anxious hours.
Most sincerely yours,
Eleanor B. Burpee
Then a day later she wrote again with the terrible news.
No. 1 Canadian General Hospital
Dear Mrs. Atkinson:-
It is with sincere sympathy I am writing to you to tell you of the death of your husband Rflm. J. Atkinson. He died this morning at 5.30. The night Sister reports that he was quite delirious during the night. During yesterday afternoon, a Sister sat beside him to give him his oxygen, medicines etc. During the night he had a special Orderly. He had an idea that you had been with him during the day. Repeatedly during the night he told the Orderly that you had been sitting beside him and he wanted the orderly to call you back.
He was a very dear patient and we were so sorry we could not save him. Sister said he began to get weaker after 3 and although the Medical Officer was was with him they could not get any response to their treatment.
I am quite sure he did not realize how very ill he was. His personal effects will be sent to you, through the War Office.
Yours with much sympathy
Eleanor B. Burpee
N.S.And so that was it. My great-grandmother was left on her own to bring up my grandmother, who was just eighteen months old. The sad thing is we know she wasn't alone.
I hate that the quote is attributed to Stalin, but the death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic really is true.
Today and this week, let's remember the many tragedies of war, not the statistics.
Friday, November 06, 2009
Dear Len and Maggie
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The weekend any dreams of Modern Pentathlon went out the window
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The rest of Cambodia
Monday, October 26, 2009
Dear Mr. Moo
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Temple watching
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Remembering the golden rules
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The eye of the tiger
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Singapore stories. Actually.
These don't really fit in either category but I thought I'd show them anyway