As a teacher, you get a bit of cheek each day. I mostly seem to get it from students that I don't teach. I think that's a good thing. Like today I was told my action 'wasn't appropriate' by a student (without going into detail, you can imagine my action was nothing but appropriate, theirs on the other hand...well you can guess). This was met with a Level Yellow response (firmly put in their place quickly without any need for further action, or indeed, me becoming enraged).
We have weekly conversations about students answering back in the staffroom. No doubt about who we blame...the parents. In parent/teacher consultations some parents say things like 'he did what?!'...'well you dish out whatever you think is right'...'if she gives you any gip then...'. Then there's the others, which are largely quiet on parents' nights, but you'll soon know about them if they think their precious darling was wronged.
Our staffroom needs to consider another influential group however. Footballers. I present Exhibit A.
Mature boys, very mature. Well done in accepting the punishment for your mistake.
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