So Colorado then. Seriously, this is the place I am moving to next. Snow in winter and no mosquitoes in summer. Perfect.
That's a camera case in my hoodie pocket incase you wondered. Which you probably didn't.
It was brilliant to be back when the weather was distinctly warmer than -20F or whatever it was last year. The downside to that was the snow wasn't as cotton-wooly (yes, I have just made that a word). The upside was a sun tan. Fair enough, just on my hands but still.
And it was great to be back with the family again too. And we got to celebrate St. Patrick's day together.
Green waffles. Another piece of evidence to prove my point that St. Patrick's better out of the country.
We skied in a couple of new places too, including Steamboat which I think was my favourite. It's a really fun town. Maybe I liked it because it was a bit like Hicksville, NC. I've already told you about Bunny Ears, which had a certain homey charm, but the main street is way cool. Great little stores, including one we saw advertised every mile of the 50 mile journey. (Seriously, imagine the Glenshane Pass but 50 miles long and only yellow FM Light & Sons ads for entertainment. Oh and the mountains.) But the main street also had statues on it. This of course added to my statue poses album.
Albert Einstein and I reassuring the youngsters.
Benjamin Franklin invented manicures it seems.
Good job Abe remembered his top hat. I forgot mine.
This is the man that invented ski jumping or some such. So impressive, it required going back with my skis the next day. Oh yes I take the hobby of statue poses very seriously.
See. I'm far to serious, Carl looks so happy. No wonder, he's looking onto the mountains.
Better smile Tina but head the wrong way.
Anyhoo, back to the skiing. My fall count was seriously lower than last year. I'd like to put that down to the fact I am better, but actually it was more to do with these reasons:
- the snow wasn't as deep so it didn't eat your skis.
- I fell badly the 2nd day so really wasn't brave.
So my only 2 falls came on the same day. I went through trees which turned out being much more complicated than I thought. I went over roots and fell. But my skis came off at the same time and I landed on the bindings. Pain.
I got myself dusted off and skied on. Then to build up my confidence for trees I went through a really simple trail that turned out to have bumps at the end. I went into the first leaning too far back, totally didn't see them and wasn't ready for them, the second came and compacted the problem. I think was the fourth is one that brought me down. But the third? It was the third one I hit my head on. Bam.
We had been skiing down for lunch anyway and I definitely need the rest. I went out one more time that afternoon but I really wasn't at the match, or indeed on the piste, and totally had the fear.
As it turned out it was the same day that Natasha Richardson fell. So after my fall and hearing that sad news I really wasn't in the mood to be daring. Simple runs and no trees thank you. Next year I think I'll invest in an helmet. Actually I noticed an increase in the number of people wearing helmets. I think people that wear helmets look like they're really good, like they do jumps and what not. Not sure that's really me, but my brains are quite precious to me so I'll happily lead people on and have them think I'm super good too!
So that was skiing 09. Great trip, great friends, great times. Oh and great salad.
Panera obviously got my letters of complaint and put Fuji Apple on again. Oh happy days! There's another reason to move.
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