Saturday, February 20, 2010

Whiplash hurts, pancakes make it better

Another load of photos of me, me, me. And a late night Saturday upload, just for variety. Makes a big difference eh?!

Monday 15th February
Coming out of a slide at Indianaland. I haven't been since I was little, and it seems in the intervening years someone has shrunk it. Not only was the playing area smaller, the Free Fall was definitely smaller. It used to be massive. Mind you, I still did the Free Fall in an attempt in conquer childhood fears and ended up whacking my head off it, damn force meant not only could I not lift my head, I hit my head. So sometimes fear is a good thing. It was painful at the time but worse on Tuesday and Wednesday when I had whiplash. Seriously, I couldn't even put my head back to get shampoo out of my hair. Nice one Tina.

Tuesday 16th February
Out for the night at Strictly Come Dancing the tour. It was brilliant! Such a good show! Our seats were really good, at the top end, close to the side and close to the judges. Seveeeeen!

Wednesday 17th February
A healthy late night dinner from the chippy. You know me and my healthy ways. I'm looking up to the TV, not the menu board. (They know what I want as soon as I walk in...that's a joke.)

Thursday 18th February
Going to Strictly on Tuesday meant that pancakes were postponed until Thursday. Sure, you might say that defeats the purpose, forty days and that, but I say everyone has the right to pancakes once a year. Here I am with a toasted pecan syrup one. Other great flavours included blueberry syrup, Cadbury's chocolate and cream and the traditional (at least in our house) Lyle's Golden Syrup and lemon juice. Tasty.

Friday 19th February
Watching some late night Olympics before bed. Seriously, this week I don't think I have been asleep before 1.00am because of the Olympics. Even now I am watching Curling on the red button. This is when Amy Williams won the Skeleton. Gold, just in case you didn't hear.

Saturday 20th February
With the man. Just by the way, that piece of hair is consistently behind my glasses. I need my hair cut. Dyanne!

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