Thursday, February 03, 2011


Everytime we've been to Colorado we go to church with the family. Although no one at the church really knows us from Adam, we are getting more and more familiar with the church and who everyone is - two years ago along with regular church we went to taco night (mmmn tacos) and last year they were in the middle of changing pastor so we got to see how that difficult and awkward process happened.

During our first Sunday this year the church had been flooded because of a burst pipe (remember I said it was cold that weekend), so the next Sunday they were using an elementary school to meet in.

Which by the way, can our primary schools get a few of these signs please?! So cute!

After the service, for reasons best known, there was a pizza lunch (I suppose maybe to allow members to commiserate over the flood damage) As we were gathering the troops to head back home, Kristi walked past one of the tables and called me over.

"Tina, have you ever heard of Philip Yancey?"

I said I had and expected a book recommendation to follow. Instead she pointed over her right shoulder and whispered "that's him!"

Turns out the Philip Yancey is a member of their church! How cool is that?! I don't know why Kristi never mentioned it before. She said that a lot of times he's away on a tour, so maybe he hadn't been there other times we were there.

I told her that my mum loves his books and so Kristi offered to introduce us. No doubt it would have sounded better if I loved his books, but honestly I can't think of a book of his that I've ever read all the way through and lest he ask me for my thoughts on 'What's So Amazing About Grace?' I thought it best to leave it at Mum.

We chatted for a while. And for being interrupted from his pizza he asked all sorts of interested sounding questions. We even got on to the summer camp that Megann and I worked at and, bless him, he said he'd heard of it.

I was too embarrassed to ask for my photo with him, especially as it wasn't even me who he was told 'loves his books'. Plus we all know what sort of startled look comes over these celebrity types when I get my photo with them. (coughPaulClarkecough coughClareBaldingcough.)

But of course I snuck a sneaky one just to prove it.

Again, not a brilliant photo. Quite worried about my surreptitious photo taking ability of late.
Philip (that's what his friends call him) told me that he's touring Britain in May. Maybe I'll pop along and say hey! Best finish off at least one book before then then.

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