As you might have gathered from my previous post a few weeks ago I took a little break from technology. It was nice actually. So nice that I still haven't tweeted anything since I started reading tweets again. I kind of feel like I have nothing to say now. I think once I tweet something though, that'll be it, the flood gates will have opened and I'll be back tweeting all the time again! But for now it's Twitter silence from
I found it too hard to be at my computer most of the day and not to check all those sorts of things. So I went cold turkey for a while. Why was I at my computer most of the day? Well, I finishing off my dissertation, silly! It was long. 75,000 words long. 180 pages long. See, long. Now, don't get too impressed there, only 20,000 words were mine, the rest were interviews and appendices and what not.
According to my supervisor they 'added weight to my argument'. Yeah, no kidding. |
As is the rule with anything to do with Methodism and their relation with anyone else I was obliged to use the 'Friends of all' motto in my title. No, seriously, it's a rule.
There'll be more of my research findings in the coming blogs. Oh, not serious stuff! Stuff that might make you laugh!
Since I finished it I have:
1. Got my hair cut. This was an important part of my week of celebration.
2. Started back to walking, with a view to starting to run again. In the latter half of last year I ran twice. Twice! What with getting a bike and then a knee injury (doesn't that make me sound sporty?!) I didn't do any real exercise towards the end of last year. In 2011, unless we're counting skiing, I have done nothing.
The infamous 'Golden Steps' currently have me beat. Honestly I sound like a smoker going up them. Not for long, I will beat you Golden Steps!
3. Tried to sort out my iTunes. This was prompted by Ruth getting a new computer. She joined the Mac Club and so has now realised how much fun computers are! She's even
started her own blog, with a nod towards her new addiction!
4. Watched The Good Wife. Well not all of it, but a lot of season 1. Bethem sent me a message when I was skiing asking if I'd ever seen Miranda. I said no, she said I would love it and she'd lend me the boxset. So ever keen for a new TV show I reminded her to lend me and I got given The Good Wife instead, something to do with her sister already lending to someone else or something, not that I'm complaining, I love it! And all of season 2 is 4OD. So once I finish this I'll be able to catch up on recent developments! Win.
Next I'm supposed to be doing the job that I put off last summer: tidying my roofspace. That'll be a major piece of work and it'll be a trip down memory lane because I have thrown nothing out. Since we moved, when I was ten, I have barely thrown out so much as a cardboard box. Everything in the eaves beside my room. Well not everything, the rest is in David's old room. It's going to be painful.
Maybe I'll go for a run just to avoid it?