Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas trees sing?!

This weekend has increased my Christmas spirit even more - I went to that concert. It was brilliant. It was a ‘singing Christmas tree’ apparently which despite what you might think was not an actual singing tree (I’d pay good money to see that!) but rather the choir were arranged in a Christmas tree structure. That makes it sound really rubbish but I took a picture of it for you. The concert was amazing. There was a full orchestra and everything! It was really professional for a church concert. They sang really well and even sang ‘Before the Throne of God Above’ which I wouldn’t necessarily class as a Christmas song, but I love it so I’ll make an exception.

The Singing Christmas Tree. There were 9 tiers of people and about 50 odd in the whole choir. The highest person was just slightly higher than me and I was sitting in the balcony.

My favourite thing about the whole night though was Cassidy, a six year old girl with our group. She was brilliant, just enough confidence to talk to strangers with ease and yet not come over totally precocious.

She had obviously been told about me coming here to work on the conference but somewhere down the line it all got confused. After dinner she looked up at me with her big blue eyes and said ‘there’s a girl in my class in school from Korea!’. I thought I did well resisting the temptation to ask did I look anything like her. Instead I managed ‘Really? Do you know where I’m from?’ This obviously confused her somewhat and she said she didn’t so I helped her out by giving a clue about leprechauns. She of course knew the right answer immediately, I blame the Lucky Charms.

The best moment of the night came when we talking before the concert began. She asked me in all seriousness ‘what have you asked Santa for?’ Bless.

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