Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Lagan Bridge Principle

A while ago I discovered a secret. A secret that has saved me time in the past but now is just helping me waste it. Let me explain further.

One drive into work last year I couldn't get moved across into the right lane (the correct lane, actually the left lane) because of all the traffic already in that lane. I left it really late and finally got across, but not without some panic.

The next morning, knowing that I had pulled off the late (but safe) change of lanes I left it deliberately late, thus scooting on past slow traffic.

Let me illustrate with the aid of a diagram:

Take careful note of the indicators. I know, it's the attention to detail that you love about me.

I've done it every morning since.

This has led me to the Lagan Bridge Principle. Once you realise you can pull off something last minute it's very hard to go back to the old, prepared way of doing it. At least if your name is Tina.

Take for example essays. The last essay I wrote was three months ago. But even in that three months the memory has not faded of how I pulled it out of the bag at the last possible moment.

It was due on a Friday. That Tuesday I started writing. By Wednesday I had 1000 words. Of utter crap with no discernible point. So on Wednesday night I scrapped what I had and started again. I stayed up late on Wednesday, wrote all day Thursday and handed my essay in on Friday morning. Oh yeah and I aced it.

It's now Sunday. I have an essay is due on Thursday. I have started writing, but only about 500 words and while there's a little bit of a point, it's hard to find amongst the drivel that make up about 300 of those words.

I feel a last minute change of lane coming on. One that hopefully won't result in a write off.


Brian Fisher said...

You obviously feel very passionately about this topic - going to the effort of a diagram and all!

I have also subscribed to the Lagan Bridge Principle for some time, although I cant say I knew thats what it was called! Many a Friday was spent in the basement of the Queens Uni library with starting and finishing an essay in one day - handing it in before the 5pm deadline. Happy times!

Tina said...

That's the problem Brian! You get a weird kind of nostalgia for the times when you pulled it off!

But isn't it great we were able to work through the issues?! Meesy thinks Brett is a cyber spammer!

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