Friday, September 16, 2005

New faces

When I was round at Lynsey's the other night we watched '10 years younger', presented by a woman who looks about 19, but is probably 53. The show tries to make people look younger by making them dress differently (in this case dress appropriately. A 45 year old wearing mini skirts and the likes?!), giving them a cool haircut and nicer colour. But the piece de resistance is the surgery they get. The woman got a brow lift, botox and somehow they made her sunken eyes appear less so. You saw the operation and the aftermath. The poor woman!

But it did raise the question with us of what we would get done given the opportunity. I'm not saying that we would ever do these things, just a conversation. Boob jobs, pinning ears, nose jobs, and liposuction were all discussed. I won't reveal who wanted what for fear that people might stare, but it was interesting.

The thing that you hate most about your appearance, chances are somebdy else hasn't even noticed. And so what if you hate your ears, isn't that the way God made you and if he'd wanted your ears to be less sticky-out then he'd have done it? Advances in medicine really are amazing, but is this really necessary? I suppose the argument is that for victims of fire and accidents it is. But for vanity, is that going too far? I suppose it just shows the hold that the media, in all its forms, has over us. We want to be perfect, but whose idea of perfect? God's? I'm pretty sure he already did that.


Nicky said...

Big ears are a sign of intelligence.

Nicky said...

i'm not saying anyone has big ears... but that is a fact about intelegience according to Danger mouse and Nicky blair

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