Remember the Conference? That was my whole reason of being here in the first place but I haven’t talked about it since coming home. For good reason too. The publishers think that writing on here will adversely affect sales of the book (available Christmas from No. 9). Suffice to say the cry count continues to rise, while the hours slept per night did not. My publishers have allowed me to show you a few photos. Enjoy. It’ll be the last you hear about it from me without paying.

This is the view from the second hotel of the trip. I've never slept higher up. I really liked that Tripod building.

In the room the toilet had a heated toilet seat. Oh how the other half live.

The lobby of the uber-church, about four times as big as my actual church. Actually this photo is taken from the half way point. It was big!

There were women in traditional dress at every turn in the church and they bowed every time you walked past. Eventually I told them they didn't need to bow for me. Dear love them, I walked, no ran past them about a thousand times a day. It got even more West Wing when I actually said to someone 'walk with me' to talk about whatever it was while I was on my way somewhere.

This man is the representative from the Vatican. I of course embarrassed myself by asking questions about the Pope's funeral. Well I figured he'd never see me again. However I did not tell him that I used to think they burnt the voting papers without looking at them and depending on what colour the smoke was that was how they knew if they had a new Pope. There's embarrassing and then there's being just plane stupid. In my defence I was much younger, and there hadn't been a new Pope in about 15 years and my dad couldn't remember exactly what happened so his explanation was a bit fuzzy.
So that's it, now you'll have to wait for the book. I might even sign a copy for you.
You certainly can!
What are you thinking? A book signing? A reading and meet the author?
I would be happy to do a book tour as well. This would obviously have to be a world tour, it was a world conference afterall so I'd need my publicity manager there too!
Not sure the Korean authorites will let me back in the country. Again not wanting to say too much, but all is revealed in the last chapter of the book, 'There's no toilets in Korean jail cell'.
As for the singing, how's your tambourining?!
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