Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Tina: The Return

I sent out an email to hopefully most of you, but if you didn't get it here's the information!

Welcome Back Tina slash
Happy Birthday* Tina Bash
(changed from the email because it rhymes!)
at my house on

Friday 22nd September at 7.30pm.

*No presents are necessary, it was two months ago afterall. But I turned 26 and like platinum jewellery and fast cars if you're looking for something to bring me!

Please let know if you plan on coming for food and stuff. I'll show you photos of my year (no slideshow, promise!) and tell you the stories of what all I got up to (then I promise I'll never mention America again!) and you can fill me in on what I've missed since going. We might even play a few games and what not. And who doesn't love games?!

To make things easy for you, you can copy and paste either of these sentences into your reply:

**Yay Tina, You're coming back! I cannot wait to see you and I will be there on the 22nd.**

Sorry Tina, I am loser and will not be coming out then because _____________ (only genuine reasons accepted eg life saving surgery, jail, being out of the country). I suck and I will ever be in awe of your greatness. I fully understand if you never want to talk to me again.

I'd really love it if you can come! Let me know if you need directions out to my house and I will happily provide them. It honestly is not that far from Belfast, like 15 miles and if I can drive to Memphis in a day then you can surely drive to see me, your friend, someone you haven't seen in ma-onths!

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