Wednesday, January 17, 2007

C2K: now worldwide

There has been a disaster in school. Classroom 2000 or C2K, bane of every student and teacher’s happy dossing on tinternet has reached Singapore. For those of you who simply remember school computers as BBC computers with that cat and mouse game, or Pod, or that thing in the corner of the library where you had to type in a million commands to get it to even print one thing, let me explain. Classroom 2000, is the network that NI school computers runs on. And with that comes a web marshall thing that prevents you from accessing anything untoward. Fair enough you say, school is not the place for porn! I quite agree. But it often means that the most harmless of sites is inaccessible, such as the National Farmers’ Union. It also means that you can’t look at things at home and expect to be able to use them in school.

Well, it seems that not only can I not get onto the Radio 1 website in school (I miss Chris Moyles!) I can no longer access Blogspot! Gutted! What am I to do in my free periods now if I can’t blog?!

Anyway, here is something I tried to put on on Monday.

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