Thursday, January 04, 2007

I feel very far away

I don't really have time for much on here today, it's all a bit crazy still.

- one of my bags still hasn't made it. This is making it difficult. My phone charger is in there, lots of my teacher clothes and shoes and mostly importantly my hair straightners (see below).
- it's bloody roasting here. They claim it to be 'winter'. Ha! It's all I can do to get to air conditioning when I have to go outside, but like in Korea it's the humidity that kills and it makes my hair like Monica's when she went to Barbados. I need my straightners.
- the above makes me feel homesick. I hate feeling homesick.
- my timetable is fairly good and I know I have my classroom keys and a computer, hence the blog.

Let us finish with the prayer of case tracing and returning to Tina. Otherwise known as Qantas pull the bloody finger out and get my case plea, or at least flipping well answer the phone!

Oh and wish me good luck as I try to navigate myself home all by myself.


MinisterMoo said...

Arrow prayer sent.

Lovin' the 100% humidity on your weather girl thingy. Hope you feel settled soon. Do you use MSN/Yahoo/Skype? Please find your nearest tree/concrete column/etc and receive a big hug from us!

Kaz said...

hey chick, glad u arrived safe and sound..
i remember the heat be horrendous and gaggin' to get into taxi's..they have great air con lol..but like everything else u'll get used to it, and when u come home u'll hate the cold even more hehe!
hope u get your case soon.. i'll not use my straightners till u get yers lol....maybe not. I have an addiction..
take care...keep me posted on your banter...yer certainly not missin' owt here!!
kaz x

Tina said...

Thanks everyone!

I think my case has arrived but I don't want to be too excited until I see that it is in fact mine and everything is there ok!

I will probably just use Skype, but haven't used yet because my webcam is in the missing case. Plus I don't have my own place to use my own tinternet and all. Hopefully soon though! Am looking for the tree to receive the hug! Thanks!

Thanks for the support re. the straightners Karen. I know the addiction well (saw it first hand on Sunday night!)

Miss y'all too! Xxx

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