Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Vote early, vote often

I am just picking out my order for the election tomorrow. Ever keen to take part in the democratic process of deciding which people I want to represent me in the talking shop (or lack thereof) that is the Northern Ireland Assembly, father is voting by proxy for me. Of course, this could mean that he goes in the booth tomorrow and votes entirely for his choices, but I trust him implicitly to carry out the wishes of his only daughter.

I really like voting in elections. Moreover, I think it is important to vote in elections. Plenty of people in the world have no say in who represents them, what laws will affect them or how their country will be run. We do. Of course, a lot of our problems come after we put the X (or in the case of tomorrow, the number) in the box and this puts plenty of people off voting.

The way I see it however, if you decide not vote, you are giving up your right to complain about what happens in the world around you. It’s time to sit up and pay attention; every election matters. Never say that your vote won’t change anything. For every apathetic eligible voter who didn’t bother, there’s someone who went out and voted the exact opposite way they would have done.

You have an opinion, you have a voice and you have a hand that can write numbers in a box.

We elect the people to represent us.

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