Tuesday, May 01, 2007

It turns out I didn't actually break my ass

I know this because I got it x-rayed.

I went back to hospital today because my back was so sore. But thankfully nothing else was broken. I’ve been off school the past two days, well today was a holiday anyway, but I’ll be off tomorrow again. I really don’t fancy walking up 6 flights of stairs to get to my room!

Right now it’s my tailbone (it should be noted that my pain comes from the first reason they give, not the second) that hurts the most. Sure the cast is annoying but at least it doesn’t cause me to scream when I stand up, sit down, turn over in bed, or bend down.

However the list continues to grow of things I cannot easily do with one hand:
-Scrape a plate
-Get toilet roll
-Dry my hair
-Straighten my hair
-Put my hair in any fashion ( pony tail, bun, anything)
-Cut my food with a knife
-Open a jar
-Butter bread
-Cut an orange into quarters
-Get toothpaste on my toothbrush
-Get dressed and undressed (underwear is near impossible!)

Thankfully Clare and Derek have been providing me with a meals on wheels service so I haven’t had to try and cook. Goodness knows how I would injure myself if I had to do that!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Two more things I discovered I can't do - put deodourant on my right armpit. Doesn't bode well seeing as neither can I wash it!

But I am quite accomplished at this one hand typing effort.

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