Thursday, May 10, 2007

When two worlds collide

'Ah ha' I thought, looking at the 80 projects on the Ancient Greeks I had to mark, 'I'll do it in an Excel spreadsheet, then merge the contents across so each student gets all the marks they got and comments in a handy table!'

But then mail merge thought it would try and play funny buggers (again) by adding 7 decimal points to selected and, indeed random, marks.

But I can tell that once again I was the victor! You can try mail merge but you will never defeat me!


Brian Fisher said...

Why does that happen??? I mail merge my coursework cover sheets and I am fed up awarding marks like 72.000000072846%!!!

Kaz said...

Hey i dont even know what mail merge is...haha

Tina said...

Karen, don't worry about, unless of course you can't possibly do your coursework without finding out! Then you could spend half an hour searching tinternet to find out!

I wish I knew Brian, I really do. The very same thing happens me. Is it as annoying in that it seems to be only random ones? I also wish I discovered some sort of hard and fast rule that fixes it. I just mess about with it. A lot of times it's just quicker to delete the umpteen decimal points yourself!


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