Friday, January 18, 2008

Stop 10: Greenville

Well it finally happened. Eleventh flight in to the big trip and I had a flight cancelled. There I was at the gate in Detroit and my short flight to Cleveland was no more. But on the upside I did get to run through Detroit airport like those crazy people you see on 'Airline' to get my new flight. The airline attendant even shouted 'Newark? I need you NOW!'. While getting my seat on the plane I felt the need to call people to tell them of my new flight details just so the people sitting around me wouldn't think I was an irresponsible passenger who carelessly spent time having lunch clueless that the flight was about to leave. I think it worked.

I did not expect my bags to make it, but I was pleasantly surprised in Greenville when my suitcase and pretty skis were there. The rerouting meant I got to spend four hours too long in Newark for anybody where I guess they had the chance to catch up.

At Newark I got to have my favourite airport vegetarian pizza again. Still with brocolli. Still without sweetcorn.

One of the nice things since arriving in Greenville has been seeing familiar places and faces. But there have been changes. People have got married, moved away, moved in. There are new places to eat, new roads, new shops. But it's still good old South Carolina deep down. I love it.

Jose has a new girl on the scene. But it's ok, Lindy knows about her and they get on well.

Gizzy and I get on quite well. I was not keen on her licking me and now that we've established that she doesn't we're cool. She's very little and very personable. I think she looks a bit like our dog, Bruno (he went to 'the farm'. My mum promises that story is true but after seeing that episode of 'Friends' I'm just not sure anymore.)

I finally finished the 2lbs of Belly Flops. My last one was the tiniest one ever, so of course I took a photo, along with a regular sized one to make comparison easier.

Itty bitty Jelly Belly.

My computer may well have come back to life. Nine lives I tell you. Although still no wireless which means I am teathered to the the router in Jose's 'Man Room' (TV, computer games, foosball table and the likes). I feel distinctly uncomfortable in it, I think it's my oestrogen reacting to it.

Next week I'll be heading North and back to Hicksville. I'm very excited. And then, before you know it I'll be home.

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