Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Bryansford

We had a teacher retire last week in school. Weird time of year but when you can go who would wait around for June? He'd worked for the past 38 years and since the early 70s in the same school. When he took 20 minutes out of lessons for his thank you/farewell speech, no one in the staffroom was prepared to walk out, he'd earned it. As I was leaving on Friday afternoon, I said cheerio to him and wished him well. I asked him what he'd be doing Monday morning instead of coming into school and he said he'd be anywhere but home, 'probably Bryansford'. This Monday morning I was not in Bryansford. Only another 32 years til that dream becomes reality. Oh good.

So what did I do this Monday? Well, I worked all the live long day, probably much like you. In fact I am just about to reconvene my work. Well after 'The One Show'. I have my priorities sorted out alright. Chris Moyles is on tonight, it's like my morning and evening routines meshed together!

In other news, my Student Loans Company disaster continues. I don't think I've mentioned it on here but the highlights are they are still charging me what they did when I was away. No, you're right, I have been home for MORE THAN A YEAR!! Something they haven't managed to grasp. I think it's only the fact that every representative has a pleasant Scottish accent which has held me off writing to 'Watchdog'. That and their assurances that they've got a handle on the 'complexities' of my case. I'll give them complexities alright. The latest episode tonight included a nice girl who actually seemed to know what she wasn't talking about and hopes are high with both parties that a resolution can be reached. She even understood my explanation of why I shouldn't take part in the customer service survey. 

It was a glorious moment of bridges being built.

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