Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Bob was right, it is good to talk
I miss talking to everyone back home. That’s why I like getting emails, texts and mail from home. Communication is any form is good.
But over the past few days I had two phone calls from friends in NI (one planned, one surprise).
You know who you are.
You made me smile all day because I talked with you!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I got me some sun

My second home this weekend.
Other points to note about the weekend:
- I did not kill the fish. Yes! I gave her back last night alive and kicking...swimming...whatever, she was alive and that's all that matters.
- I started running again. This was more by accident rather than design. I was out for a walk on Friday night and much like Forrest Gump I just started running. Unlike him though, I did stop. There wasn’t enough time (or testosterone) to grow a beard either.
- I watched a series called ‘Laguna Beach’ on MTV which is like a real life O.C. My goodness they have money!
- The Seventh Day Adventists are in town which makes the place even more like Castlewellan (except for the beliefs about what you can do on Saturday – I mean in an all-age-church-group-gathered-around-a-lake kind of way).
- All the time at the pool is finally evening out last year’s farmer’s tan on my arms. I got unbelievably burnt at White Rocks playing volleyball with YF which three weeks in Brazil did not improve, it being freezing and all. It's also bringing out my freckles which might be cute if I was six years old.
- I watched 'Warm Springs' about FDR and his polio. When I was in university writing my dissertation, the face I imagined for FDR's right hand man, Louis Howe was David Paymer who was in 'The American President'. Guess who was playing Louis Howe in 'Warm Springs'? Only David Paymer! Maybe I should become a Casting Director? I quite liked the film but wanted more about FDR and how he ran for President after the polio.

The local high school had their Prom on Friday night and for reasons best known they all come to the lake before. I've seen limos before and I've seen Hummers before, but a Hummer Limo? Now that's class.

I went to church on Sunday morning and was greeted by man in a cowboy hat. I took a photo just incase y'all didn't believe me. And because I think you'll think it's funny too.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Hands up who knew Cleopatra was actually from Macedonia. Nope, me neither!
But I won’t be alone this weekend. Oh no! Maggie’s trip to Iowa (or I-owe-a as she calls it. I don’t know why people saying place names wrong makes me laugh so much, but it really does. Like my dad saying Chicargo and Mitchigan. Or Art and Betty saying War-wick-shyer. Or people saying Ar-kansas. I’m sure I’ve had my fair share of wrong pronunciation of place names but it’s still funny) has meant that I am fish sitting.
Maggie got the fish as a present from a friend who stayed with her a few weeks ago. Thankfully it’s only from Wal Mart so if it should die whilst in my care I don’t have to go far to get a replacement, like having to go to some tropical pet shop to look for some obscure breed of fish. A gold fish from Wal Mart shouldn’t be too hard. Hopefully.

Cleopatra the fish and my guest for the weekend. I hoovered last night before her arrival. She didn’t even notice.
I watched ‘So You Think You Can Dance?’ which may or may not be like that dance thing with Graham Norton at home. Here it’s only presented by Cat Deeley!! It was like seeing a long lost relative last night when I saw her on my TV screen. Also on it, making a return to judging is Nigel Lythgoe from Popstars. I’m less excited about seeing him to be fair. Also if it’s not already over, watch American Idol. Now that’s a finale show and a half! My goodness, there was no stop left anywhere near the show! Notice how long Ryan Seacrest holds back announcing the winner. Kate Thornton and Ant and Dec have a lot to teach him. It was barely even five seconds. They probably needed to save time for all the adverts.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Bits and pieces
- I downloaded a few songs the other day including The Feeling – Fill My Little World and Sunblock – First Time (pure cheesy dance!). These have made it to May’s playlist on myPod which also includes some Dolly Parton classics. I have no shame.
- I got a red cross parcel from Jude R. Super! Thanks! Return mail on its way just as soon as I organise it. I should now like to put out an appeal for text messages. I still have the same number (ends in
- My excitement about the World Cup continues to grow. I have printed off a wall planner for matches and looked up times and channels for here. And just today I selected my Fantasy Football team. It includes Lehmann, Henry, Crespo and Terry. I’m expecting big points from these star players!
*If you are going to text me please have more ingenuity than saying 'Hi Tina. How are you?'
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Reasons for the pain
It’s odd because I actually have two exciting tales to tell of the weekend.
Tale 1
On Saturday Megann and I went fake sky diving! Very cool! I found out about this place down the road that has a vertical wind tunnel and me being Tina Adventure I signed Megann and I up for it.

Megann flying high.
It was so much fun! We were both a bit scared before going, I can’t imagine the nerves before doing a real sky dive. The guy who was teaching us what to do was hilarious, he was exactly like the turtle from ‘Finding Nemo’, a real surfer dude type.
Maggie had asked us about how you breathe when you do it. Don't worry, it's not a problem. Drooling though? Drooling was a big problem for us. I think in the excitement we both forgot to swallow. Nice.
Tale 2
One of my early goals since arriving here has been accomplished! We went to Dollywood! Actually we went to Dollywood’s Splash Country, the waterpark bit of it. It was great! We laughed the entire day. Should you ever find yourself in the Eastern Tennessee/Western North Carolina area, a visit to Dollywood is essential.
Me adopting a Dolly pose. Talk as you like, I like her.
Fun in the wave pool.
There are about twenty different water slides in the park. I did them all! I made myself do a hero run from this one.
That’s me hurtling down. This is the newest slide to the park. It took me a good few minutes to pluck up the courage to go down. Seriously, this slide is steep.
So that's the reasons for the pain on Monday and Tuesday. And if I'm honest, today too.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
There is not very much of me that doesn't hurt right now, I feel about 103. Let me give you a list:
Nearly sun burnt (skin red, but not on fire)
-front (but not that low down, thank you very much! I'm not that sort of girl!)
Muscles from a weekend of high activity (details of high activity to follow tomorrow)
In addition to these aches and pains my ears somehow got infected again. Pus and actual blood were pouring out earlier today. They didn't even bleed when I first got them pierced. I have a theory as to how they got infected again but I'll save that for tomorrow too.
Also still hurting is the left side of my left foot. I have no idea what I did to it but every so often it hurts like...something painful and makes me scream just a little bit. Megann suggested a trapped nerve and I'll agree with her but I really have no idea what a trapped nerve might feel like.
But the thing that hurts most of all right now is that Megann left today.
One, two, three, awwww.
Friday, May 19, 2006
It's so unfair
Today I heard all about the Big Brother contestants arriving. As Graham Norton said a few years ago, 'first twelve through the doors again then'.
Later in June I'll miss the World Cup. I'm not hopeful it'll receive much coverage here, even though the USA is there and ranked 4th in the world (when did they get so good?!). And of course there's Wimbledon.
But the thing that hurts the most right now that I'll be missing is, sligthly ashamed to say it, the Eurovision Song Contest. Let me tell you, it is an event in our house. There are even more fights about who has to go down for the Chinese that Saturday night. I can remember times I've rushed out to the car to switch on Radio 2 so I still hear what's going on.
The songs are generally crap and the UK stands zippo chance of ever winning it, and Ireland's lucky string of win seems to have evaporated. The voting is the brilliant though. It's a lesson in European politics. But the best thing about the whole programme is Terry Wogan. He is hilarious.
If you don't watch it, you need to start. Maybe you could go round and watch it with my parents? Just be prepared to shout at the TV along with them.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Nothing like milking a story
In the afternoon we went back to the beach to sleep off the drive the night before.

Seriously, how beautiful?!
We ate pizza on the beach and played a little Farkle before starting the drive back.
The first part of the journey was a boat. A bit like Portaferry-Strangford, it was quicker to get the boat.

Also pretty!
We left the beach at about 7.30pm to start the mammoth drive home. No, really. It was a seven hour drive back to the lake. The journey was ok. There was, however, a moment coming up to Charlotte, which is about half way, where we got slightly off piste.
Megann, chief navigator, was talking on her phone and we passed the sign for an interstate we needed to get on. But me, being Miss Know-It All 2006 and not wanting to disturb Megann on her call, remembered that we had passed a sign for the same interstate after we had come off it on the way there, so therefore, I decided, we would come to another point where we should take this interstate.
So driving, driving, driving and no sign. Then we see the bright lights of downtown Charlotte, which looks very pretty. Both of us commented on the lights of the skyscapers and how cool they were. We carried on getting closer and closer.
Tina: I really don't remember seeing this on the way there...I suppose it was behind us though!
Actually Tina you didn't see the bright lights of the big city because you didn't come this way!
If you've ever driven on interstates in America you'll know that when another interstate or road meets it they generally just swing shot you onto it .There's none of this roundabout-bridge-where-you-can-turn-around that we tend to get on motorways at home. So coming off the road we were on, stopping and getting onto the right road was going to be slightly harder. We saw signs for other interstates that would take us to South Carolina and goodness knows where else, but if we took them we might not be able to get off and get turned around easily.
This was a situation when just a little bit of luck is all you need. We got it! We got an exit onto a Charlotte street where we could stop (and laugh for a good five minutes!), consulted the map, worked out a new route, found the new interstate, and when we hit major traffic (at midnight!) somehow we were in the lane that continued to travel at 40mph passed all the other parked cars.
Ok, so maybe we got more than a little bit of luck.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Song lyric/something witty relating to the post
Exciting things happened in the office yesterday.
1. I got a new printer. Ok, so not that exciting for you but it is for me.
2. We got a summer intern. I am no longer the youngest in the office! Hurrah!
Eduardo is from Mexico (the intern, not the printer) but has been studying the US for a few years now. He went to college with a couple of people from NI on that Business Iniative whatsit which has given him a head start on all the others in mocking my accent.
Seriously it wasn't even 9.30am on his first day before he was getting me to say phrases such as 'I'm going to have a shower in an hour', 'aye dead on' and 'what's the craic?!'
It's going to be a long summer.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I don't want to wait for our lives to be over

Pacey?! Is that you?!
We had to go to the TV studios where it was filmed to have the tour. They film One Tree Hill now, which was my favourite T4 programme last year (I wasn’t so keen on The O.C. – sorry Jud) and an important part of my Wednesday nights here. It was pretty cool to be walking through the sets where the great Chad Michael Murray walks!

That be the studios. Apparently it’s the largest studio outside of Hollywood. Who knew?!

Joey and Audrey’s dorm room.

R.I.P. the hottest dad that ever graced a TV screen.

Proving that she really is Katie Holmes, Megann climbs in through Dawson’s window.

Dawson invited me round to watch a movie.

Not sure they captured the exact likeness of the four main stars. Seriously, Megann looks more like Joey than that depiction!

The good ship True Love.

Hayley and Brooke's bathroom. Slightly blurry because you weren't really meant to take photos on this set. Ssh!

The Ravens dressing room, go Ravens!
All together now, 'I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately...'
Monday, May 15, 2006
Looks like morning in your eyes

It happens every day but somehow when you see it, it is still amazing.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Ah the rollercoster of life
But this was after feeling all strange and nostaligic from a Bible Study and dessert last night which I'll maybe expand upon next week.
But right now I am super excited! Why?! Because Megann is arriving in five hours for ten days in Hicksville. She won't know what hit her!
(My guess is it'll be one of those little golf carts the old folk drive around in. Or perhaps a shufffleboard disk that has gone off course.)
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Sky Mall

Doesn't that say class?

No wait, that says class!

No! A mademoiselle haute couture floor lamp is what you need to give your home that je ne sais quoi.

Tasteful, yet decorative and the perfect chair for beside the phone in the hall. If you live in an Egyptian palace!

A fish inside a fish, ho ho, see what they did there.

What would you do with that?!

Nevermind, you'd put it beside this!

Did you have one of those pin things in the early 1990s? I did! Now, you can have the clock to match!

Washing, rinsing and colouring someone's hair has never been a pain in the neck but thanks very much for trying to sell me this handy article for $200.

What sort of a nobbit would you look on the plane in one of these?!

Sometime the pool is just too boring. If only I could play exxy oosies or table tennis in the pool!
It's not just us humans they thought of. Pets are well catered for Sky Mall.

We used to have cats, never once did I consider their need to have aerated water. I can nearly hear the laughter coming from my dad now if I had told him Tigger needed one of these. No, wait, it's swear words!
But these were my favorite of the whole catalogue. Is there some sort of epidemic of dogs with bad backs that I am unaware of?

Carpetted stairs for your dog to climb onto the sofa.

Or a carpetted ramp if stairs are even too hard.

Now that's quality. Mahogany stairs so you don't ruin the look of your living room. You know, because those ordinary doggie stairs would look stupid!
That's all fine for in the house Sky mall, but what do I do when I take my dog out in the car?!

You really have thought of eveything!

My birthday is just a matter of months away. Don't worry if you're not going to be on a plane in time to order, there's always Sky Mall online !
PS sorry if you have any of the above articles. Sorry because you really should have better taste!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
What's the point in that?
I think he should have stuck to fooling people on the streets. I mean seriously what was the deal with him and that fish bowl 'trick' he did. Why would you do that? Why? And let's not forget the standing on the tower thing, the buried alive thing, the ice thing and my personal favourite the perspex box in London.
On Monday night I could have watched him attempt to hold his breath for nine minutes in order to break the world record. This was after he spent the week under water in the fish bowl. Oh and incase that might be too easy, or we might not be suitable impressed he was first of all going to have to escape from chains.
I turned off and went to bed instead. But on Tuesday morning I read that he had failed in his attempt and was rescued after seven minutes. Maybe if he hadn't had the chains and spent the run up underwater he might have done it. Ha! That's what you get for trying to show off!
I was reading what people on the 'Have your say' bit of the BBC Website said. Some made me laugh, including this one:
'I think David Blaine is an incredible person who inspires all of us by continually pushing the boundaries of human willpower. All of his stunts demand much mental fortitude, focus, and determination. And while I do not plan to attempt such grand feats, I have been motivated to look at my own life and ask what I could accomplish if I just push myself half as much as he does. David Blaine is definitely our modern day Houdini and he is a great entertainer, magician, and human being!'
Oh please. I can't be the only one to think the man is a looper!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
A week is a short time in NI
So I’ll start at the very beginning, which is of course a very good place to start.
I left the lake and North Carolina in the morning and flew to New York. Faced with the prospect of six hours in the airport I took the somewhat risky decision of leaving the airport and going into the city. I got the train in to Penn Station and then headed up to Central Park.

No need to complain about anyone activating the automatic doors this time - I waited outside in the sun.

Ah spring in the park.
I watched small boys play baseball and big boys play football (proper). But I was slightly nervous at somehow messing up getting back to the airport in rush hour so didn’t stay as long as I would have liked. But everything was fine, ticket purchased, train on time and in full working order and I was back in the airport again.

I went back to my favourite pizzeria in Terminal C (see here) and got vegetarian pizza which still has broccoli and no sweetcorn. Still weirdos. (I promise you this is a new photo, not the old one roatated.
The funniest thing about the gate was hearing all the NI accents. I really considered phoning some of the people who mock me for my 'strong' NI accent and put them on with the woman sitting beside me who had the strongest Belfast accent I’d heard in the best part of a year. I had to get up and leave because I was laughing so much when she said on the phone ‘what tem har yousins all cumming doun at?’. I think it was extra funny because normally you are used to only reintroduced to NI accents in London, you know the gates where Belfast flights leave from, the furthest outpost of the airport. One Belfast flight lands and another leaves and then you suddenly realise why the airport put us all the way out there when you hear all the harsh accents together. It was funny because this time I had the back drop of the Manhattan skyline. I enjoyed the fact that you could tell a NI person from an American. It actually couldn’t have been easier if they had had a big neon sign attached to their forehead. Maybe it was the trouser legs trailing the ground, maybe it was the straightened hair, I’m not sure but there is a quality that made us all stand out.
On the plane I discovered someone was sitting in my seat. After a funny encounter where she told me that the row she was indeed in was row 22 and in seat 22D, she then eventually realised that she was in fact supposed to be 21E. I’d really like to slag but she was from NI so in a fit of national unity I won’t.
I was sitting beside a guy from NI and we had a nice conversation. We laughed at the things you could buy in Sky Mall, talked about the differences between America and NI, and made fun of the air stewards. One of our topics of conversation was about iPods. I said I had one and how I felt like I was now a member of my generation. He replied and said you were only a full member if you had a blog. I am so in!
Due to the nature of time zones and air travel when I landed in Belfast it was Saturday. Not long after landing I got a text message from dad to text him when I had my luggage picked up and he would meet me outside. No emotional reunion in the airport then? Much like the way he left me at Christmas though. Not long after arriving home I was off again, this time to Jud’s coffee morning for Korea. Very nice to see her again and catch up on all the news. We went for lunch afterwards and I started to realise how much I missed out in the intervening months since I was in NI. In the evening I got a Yuky with the parents. My, I had missed them too, that is the Chinese food, not the parents so much.
Slept in. David and Karen came down in time for lunch and rather than change I stayed in my jammies through lunch. ‘Sure’, I thought to myself, ‘they’ve seen me like this before, it’ll be no surprise to them’. I was still in my jammies when Lynsey and Julie surprised me with a visit around 4.00pm. Not that they haven’t seen me in my jammies before, but it was 4.00pm and they didn’t even match. But what are best friends for if not to accept you the way you are! There was good reason to get changed though, Julie had a new car! Yay! So we went out for a little drive in that, all the way to the Rinkha which has undergone a face lift. I was glad Julie warned me that all my childhood memories were about to be shattered by what they did, but it still hurt and made me want to cry.
I fully recommend planning a trip home around days you know people will be off. Yay for bank holidays. Julie, Lynsey and I set off on a day trip. The weather was not to be great and we struggled to come up with a destination that would not mean wearing waterproofs all day long. Eventually we decided on the Aquarium in Portaferry. We learned all about sea life off the coast of NI, but the only name I can remember of anything I saw was the Common Starfish. Could this be the reason for my E in Biology A Level, a severe lack of interest in anything to do with the natural world. Oh but I also remember that NI has 650km of coastline. It's like you were there, isn't it?!

This is not a common starfish.

We got the ferry to Strangford.
Also on our visit list was Ardglass, Newcastle (we went to the sweetie shop), Tullymore and Castlewellan. And a good time was had by all.
Tuesday and Wednesday
With Monday’s day trip and the wedding on Thursday and on into Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty much my only time to meet up with friends. So appointments were scheduled. Pretty much all of them centred around food. While meeting up with Ruth, Kari, Nicky and Heidi, Julie and Lynsey (again) I had a crepe from Flour (highly recommended), went to Springsteens (twice – where else is there to go in Carrick though? Plus it’s tasty), the Globe and had home made lasagne lovingly made by Princess Heidi. I also went shopping a bit in town and Forestside and finally decided on what to wear for the wedding. Oh and I got my hair coloured. I think it’s a bit super blonde but hey ho.
Caroline and Ben’s Big Day! I love weddings and I love YF weddings. We’re probably coming to the end of them now as we become a more and more disparate group. It was a shame about the weather on Thursday. This week I realised how acclimatised I have become to North Carolina, as if the trip to Michigan didn’t already show me that. In NC I have learned that blue skies should be the norm, not the exception. Seriously I spent most of the week moaning about how cold I was! But there’s no pleasing me, because it is roasting now in NC and it clear that sweat is going to be my default position this summer.
Anyway, back to the wedding. Great day and lovely couple.

Good job I wasn't the official photographer then.
We stayed overnight up in Bushmills and farted around the North Coast on Friday. One of the highlights was seeing David’s (and Karen’s and her brothers’) boat. Oh and also playing in the play park in Portstewart.

That's the play park, not the boat.
Plans to meet up with my PGCE class fell through when Geraldine came down with tonsillitis but Marie and I went for lunch (The Apartment, chicken tempura, very nice). It was great hearing all her stories from teaching and telling all mine about NC. In the evening laziness took over Lynsey and I and the furtherest we made it was to Maud’s (ice cream – duh, Pooh Bear, Strawberries and chocolate and fudge bit in vanilla ice cream, forget the proper name, sorry). It makes me laugh no end that with the law suit from Disney and even the tubs branded Poor Bear everyone calls it Pooh Bear still. We might love Disney films as much as the rest of the world, but don’t you dare think you can make us change the name of the nicest ice cream in the land!
Spent a bit of a lazy day saying goodbye again to people (Julie, Alan, Lynsey, Kari and Karen) and giving out a round of presents (birthdays and parent’s day). I also went back to YF. The more things change, the more they stay the same eh? Like the good B. I am, I left packing to the last possible moment and then watched that programme about England and the World Cup. How much do I love Gary Lineker!
There’s no place like home. It’s a shame both my homes are so far apart.