My second home this weekend.
Other points to note about the weekend:
- I did not kill the fish. Yes! I gave her back last night alive and kicking...swimming...whatever, she was alive and that's all that matters.
- I started running again. This was more by accident rather than design. I was out for a walk on Friday night and much like Forrest Gump I just started running. Unlike him though, I did stop. There wasn’t enough time (or testosterone) to grow a beard either.
- I watched a series called ‘Laguna Beach’ on MTV which is like a real life O.C. My goodness they have money!
- The Seventh Day Adventists are in town which makes the place even more like Castlewellan (except for the beliefs about what you can do on Saturday – I mean in an all-age-church-group-gathered-around-a-lake kind of way).
- All the time at the pool is finally evening out last year’s farmer’s tan on my arms. I got unbelievably burnt at White Rocks playing volleyball with YF which three weeks in Brazil did not improve, it being freezing and all. It's also bringing out my freckles which might be cute if I was six years old.
- I watched 'Warm Springs' about FDR and his polio. When I was in university writing my dissertation, the face I imagined for FDR's right hand man, Louis Howe was David Paymer who was in 'The American President'. Guess who was playing Louis Howe in 'Warm Springs'? Only David Paymer! Maybe I should become a Casting Director? I quite liked the film but wanted more about FDR and how he ran for President after the polio.

The local high school had their Prom on Friday night and for reasons best known they all come to the lake before. I've seen limos before and I've seen Hummers before, but a Hummer Limo? Now that's class.

I went to church on Sunday morning and was greeted by man in a cowboy hat. I took a photo just incase y'all didn't believe me. And because I think you'll think it's funny too.
tina - you really do live in the coolest place. Havent quite got to the white choc and macedamia recipe yet - although i do have one for them. I'll practice so that ill have it perfected for chw. Oh and you really do live in the coolest place you know!
It's hard to know what made you declare that I live in such a cool place!
Was it the pool, or the cowboy hat wearing greeter or the hummer limo? Maybe it was even the Seventh Day Adventists!
But you're right, it is a pretty cool place, even if it is a retirement facility for Methodist Ministers!
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