1. I got my flights booked and paid for. Round the world, here I come!
2. My GHDs arrived. No more bad hair days for me…not that I ever had any, ever.
3. I went to Dublin on Saturday.
4. I went to Dublin on Sunday.
Two totally separate trips. Julie, Lynsey and I went to Dublin on Saturday to go shopping to that shopping centre. It was part of my birthday present (it’s always good to drag out one’s birthday! Jud taught me that). So off we went on Saturday morning, €uro in hand. It was a class day and even though the present did not extend to buying my purchases, I got lots of nice things. The plan to start getting Christmas presents quickly went out the window (but expect to see me wearing some new clothes!)

This, believe it or not, is an Autumn Soul hoodie! I was very excited to see it (although in retrospect I don't know why, not like it was Timbuktu). So excited I took a photo, which came out blurry - I was on an escalator.
On Sunday I was head southbound once again. This time David, Karen and I were going to the rugby. The rugby giants of the Pacific Islands were in town and they thought they should take on the mighty Ireland. That was their first mistake. The second was doing this a week after super Ireland defeated Australia. Their third was timing (fair enough, probably wasn’t their fault). They never stood a chance in Ireland’s last match at Lansdowne Road for the next few years.
And so it came to pass.

'No seriously, have the ball, I insist.'

They're shoulder to shoulder, answering Ireland's call.

Number one for Paddy.

Karen and I with foam hand (see below).

During the lap of honour to say goodbye to Lansdowne the confetti was released. Très cool.
So we had to be there before lunch to get our tickets. On our way to get them we were given green foam hands. I was very excited by this. I think it might be because of the 'Gladiators' link. Anyway, after lunch we were back at the stadium, and as we were walking to our entrance David and Karen got handed something but I didn't.
Now, I feel I ought to explain my actions here carefully. I am the youngest and the youngest usually misses out on things and generally feels hard done by. Therefore I wanted the tin thing they got. But as I turned to get it from the yellow coated promotions woman she’d walked on a bit. Therefore it required a speedy step or two. As I turned to rejoin David and Karen, they were laughing at me. It was then, and only then I discovered my error. I ran up the street to get a condom.
In my defence I didn’t know what it was. Inside it could very well have been keys to a Mini Cooper or something. And then who'd look foolish for not getting one? But no, I made myself look like some Convent-taught schoolgirl who couldn’t believe her luck that they were giving condoms out on the streets to anyone at all. It was a miracle David and Karen were willing to stand with me at all after that.

But remember, as it says on the packet, total abstinence is the only way to be 100% sure of protection from STIs and pregnancy, play it safe boys and girls. [Great cartoon though. Especially his ‘feet’.]
1 comment:
oh tina! i'm sorry i dont read this enough! thats so funny! lol! xxx
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