Monday, April 24, 2006

Thank goodness there weren't more Europeans

So this weekend I was once again in Greenville. I wasn’t planning on going down but Maggie was studying all weekend so there wasn’t going to be much entertainment at the lake.

We played crazy golf last night, which has reminded me to tell you about my 21st birthday. I was working in the summer camp where I know Megann from. I decided at the beginning of the summer that when my birthday came playing crazy golf would be fun. So that’s what we did. Yes, I am well aware that turning 21, especially in America, is a big deal, but it was my birthday so deal with it. Plus I had been able to drink at home for 3 years and didn’t ever take the opportunity.

If my memory serves correctly (and it does) there were 6 of playing. We divided along country lines with Megann, Amy and Heather against me, Stephen and Jamie, or USA versus Europe (technically it was just GB & NI, but USA v. Europe has golfing connotations too good to avoid).

So there we have it, USA on home soil against the Old World. It was good natured fun but there was a prize at stake too. We were playing for the Slurpee Cup. The losers had to buy the winners a Slurpee. I know, high stakes.

I honestly don’t remember that much about the game, who was winning, who was losing, who was good, who was crap, except for the last hole. The 18th hole was biggest and most impressive of the entire course. The green snaked around and down three levels and from where you started you couldn’t see the hole. But my moment of glory came and I got a hole in one! [In a film of this event it would be tied and everything would depend on my putt. I don’t think that’s how it happened but Hollywood would embellish it so.]

In the end, in part thanks to my hole in one, Europe triumphed and won the inaugural Slurpee Cup. In fact they are the holders as there has never been another.

Last night we paired up boy/girl. Sadly there was no moment of triumph for me. I sucked. Apparently my ball had a magnet which was repelled by the hole. I actually lost count of how many times the ball would circle around the hole and not go in. The pairings were random but it just so happened Jason, my partner, sucked too. We lost so badly! But that’s ok, although I did have to buy the winners an drink, the Slurpee Cup remains in the hands of Europe.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Yeah yeah, whatever you think! I don't remember you getting a hole in one!!

As for the same team, yeah doubtful but I'm sure we could recruit some worthy replacements!

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