Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Monday Night

I haven’t written here in a while. So here’s a quick update:

- Still very into the World Cup, still despairing at the US coverage of it. This was not helped by texts at the weekend telling me what the mighty Beeb was doing. All I can say is hurray for Five Live.

- Delighted at the progress of the Ukraine. The boys from Kiev* did indeed qualify and progressed through to quarter finals after penalities today. I didn’t predict them to go further than that so that’s enough now chaps, if you could see your way clear to get beaten by the Italians I would be most grateful. Predictions are a great way to make me care about every match.

- I wish I could be delighted at the progress of England, well I am (probably confusing it with amazement). I wish they wouldn’t make it so painful on themselves. Oh come on, you know it’s more exciting when England are still in. I hate it when people will a home nation to lose.

- I am enjoying being mosquito bite free. Yes!

- I learnt how to throw an American football at the weekend. I’m hoping I can transfer this skill to a rugby ball, a skill I never managed to learn despite working with Nicky for the best part of a year and getting it thrown at me approx. 5 times a day.

- This however has resulted in me straining a (must be) much underused muscle in my hand, making it hard for my little finger to hit return.

- I totally embarrassed myself in the swimming pool when I was challenged to swim a length/as far as I could under water. Thankfully I pre-empted my challenge with predicting where I would get to which turned out to be spot on. I put my inability to go any decent distance down to my deep deep hate of water up my nose and around my eyes. Let’s not forgot I was on the Grammar Swimming Team. Alright so it was first year, but still! I am so an athlete!

- It poured from the heavens today. It’s funny here, people are actually glad when it rains, the weather people, sorry meteorologists usually refer to it as ‘much needed rain’. I am still in NI mode, rain is depressing.

*Other Ukrainian towns are available…I’m sure.

1 comment:

Tina said...

I know, I'm gutted too.

I'm glad you are still checking in with me, despite my severe lack of blogging recently!

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