Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The new great scent, eau de bug spray

So help the next person who tells me I have sweet Irish blood when they see my bug bites. I hate that. Really I do. It has nothing to do with it. I think the reason why I react the way I do because I’m not used to it, my body hasn’t spent years building up resistance to them. I might also have some sort of mid allergy or something. But, even though I have no medical qualifications, I highly doubt it is because of my ‘sweet Irish blood’. Like the mosquitoes can tell that before they bite me. I think they think they are the first person to tell me that when they say it which results in my having to do my fake laugh as if this was the first time I heard it (which even then, wasn't that funny).

I’d take a photo of a bite for you, but in the interests of taste and decency I’ll just tell you that they are red and are about the size of circle your thumb and fore finger make. They also itch like almighty.

Oh woe is me.

1 comment:

Tina said...

So you haven't had a class in Pastoral Care yet in Edgehill then?!

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